– I’m so angry – NRK Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule


Halvor Egner Granerud was on his way to a clear victory at Lahti. The Norwegian was leading by more than ten points after the first half, when he jumped off the ground and landed at 137.5 meters in the second.

From a great height, Granerud landed on almost flat ground and had no chance to stop.

– It is too high and too fast. It descends with insane force. No chance to stand up, says NRK jumping expert Anders Jacobsen.

The coach of the national team, Alexander Stöckl, also agrees that the World Cup leader could not stand. He is happy that Granerud was not injured in the fall.

– We were afraid he would hurt himself. It was a fantastic jump in fantastic conditions. We are happy that he is healthy, says the coach of the national team, Alexander Stöckl, to NRK.

Critical to the judges

For Granerud himself, it was very annoying that he did not win, even with the fall. Despite the fall, he finished fourth, just 2.4 points away from the victory. The Norwegian scored just 8.5, 8.5 and 9 in style. He thinks the long jump deserved better style.

– I’m very upset. It feels very bitter. I have the opportunity to ask some of the good Norwegian judges at home to message me and explain why I am so drawn to the style, disappointed Granerud tells NRK.

– Obviously I don’t know the rules well enough, continued the 24-year-old.

Granerud has the support of his coach.

“Unfortunately I don’t know enough about style judgment, but it’s probably a little low because it lands on both skis before going down,” says Stöckl.

But one of Norway’s international jump judges, Ole Walseth, tells NRK that the other jump has been judged correctly by the judges.

– The second jump is probably judged correctly. Points will be deducted for landing on the second jump and seven points for landing. Five plus seven becomes twelve points. So 8-9 is what to expect, says Walseth.

Even after the first half, Granerud was skeptical of the judges’ style points. Granerud himself described the jump as one of the best of his career.

– It’s one of the best jumps I’ve ever done. It felt completely raw. I’m a bit disappointed that it only lasted 57 style points, Granerud said after the first half.

Halvor Egner Granerud led with 10.2 after the first half with this beautiful jump.

Johan Remen Evensen thought it was a weakness of the judges to give the Norwegian 19 and 18.5 in style. Granerud agrees.

– I do not understand anything. If it wasn’t a jump that at least deserved 19.5 then it will be hard to get some of the ones in the race. I have not seen the flight yet, but the impact was resolved, says Granerud.

Here Granerud receives more support from the Norwegian judge.

– I probably have more to go there. There you can probably argue, at least those who gave 18.5. I myself sat in the living room and rated it 19.5, Walseth tells NRK.

Victoria with bad taste

Therefore, it was only a fourth place for Granerud.

With the crash, there was a win for Robert Johansson, who jumped from third place after the first round. Johansson says it gives him confidence to take the first win of the season.

– It does not fail. It falls down, that’s what happens. It’s a bit uncomfortable, but it shows that I am capable of winning. It’s a confidence boost. I don’t feel like it delivers any maximum jumps, but rather two pretty solid ski jumps. I can build on this, Johansson tells NRK.

– It gets a little nasty when today’s best jumper jumps too far and fails to stay upright and becomes number four. Then it will be such a strange feeling if you stick around, says NRK jumping expert Johan Remen Evensen.
