– I’m not worried – VG


DON’T BE AFRAID: Martin attended Trump’s election rally inside on Monday, despite being in the crown risk group. Photo: Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland / VG

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO (VG) Martin Flatinger (48) has severe heart problems and needs an oxygen supply. On Monday, he attended an indoor election rally with Donald Trump Jr., while crown numbers in the United States are rising dramatically.

– I’m not afraid, Martin tells VG.

You have sat in the outer row of chairs to get a good overview. Around him are several people without masks. The room you are staying in has capacity for 500 people.

Half an hour before President Donald Trump’s firstborn stepped onto the podium, 400 people gathered inside.

Martin has taken two chairs.

One for himself.

One for your oxygen.

– You say you are not afraid, but you are also in the risk group?

– If I get it, I’ll have to take care of it right there.

The United States is the country in the world with the most deaths per crown. More than 220,000 people have lost their lives since March. American experts have spoken of how the country could lose thousands more lives, unless the situation drastically changes in a short time.

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FULL: VG spoke to a firefighter 30 minutes before Donald Trump Jr. would go on stage. Then there were about 400 people in the room, which has a capacity of up to 500 people. Photo: Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland / VG

On Friday of last week, the United States had the highest number of recorded cases of infection since the pandemic began with 85,085 in one day.

In the state of Ohio, where Martin lives, the number of infections is also increasing dramatically. On Saturday of last week, the tipping state had the highest number of recorded cases of infection in all of 2020.

– Do you think you would be better protected if you had put a bandage on here today?

– No, I can hardly breathe without a mouthpiece, so using a mouthpiece makes it ten times worse.

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Although he is in the risk group and exposes himself to danger by being present at such a large indoor event, he believes that it is correct to line up.

– Trump has done a very good job. He could have done so much more if people had left him alone.

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WAITING FOR TRUMP JR: Many in the room this Monday were not wearing masks. Photo: Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland / VG

He also believes that the president has handled the crown well.

– This is a global pandemic and it is not Trump’s fault that he is here.

– Unless someone comes up to me and spits or sneezes at me, I’m probably fine. I have alcohol in the car and I wash my hands. I am not worried.

– Has anyone in your family been ill?

– No, but I have a friend where his wife got sick. They quarantined her for three weeks, but my friend who lived with her did not get sick.

Divided by Trump: Brothers Kim and Phillip haven’t spoken in three years.

WOMEN FOR TRUMP: About 400 Trump supporters gathered in one place on Monday. Photo: Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland / VG

With only eight days to go until the US presidential election, both Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Donald Trump now spend a lot of time in the various states conducive to persuading voters.

On Monday, Trump’s eldest son was on hand to convince voters in Youngstown. This area has one of the highest unemployment rates in Ohio.

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The two candidates have had a very different approach to how they conduct election rallies now during the campaign period.

While the Biden campaign has been very careful in making public information about where the election rallies are held, fearing to help more people gather in one place, the Trump campaign has been concerned about bringing a lot of people together. .

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Trump has previously had several outdoor election rallies, but Monday’s meeting with Trump Jr. was held indoors.

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The two presidential candidates are now in an ongoing war of words after Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, acknowledged Sunday that “we will not be able to control the pandemic.” According to him, it can only happen through vaccines, drugs and other methods, which made Joe Biden react:

– It was an honest recognition of what has obviously been President Trump’s strategy since the crisis erupted: wave the white flag and hope the virus will go away if you just ignore it.

Donald Trump denies having given up the fight against the virus.

– I don’t have that, he says, while emphasizing that he believes the country is in the worst curve.

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