– If Trump wins these four states, he will continue as president


The political portal Politico has indicated through various variables eight states that will be very important for the two presidential candidates to win.

– The United States has become so polarized that most states are established in advance. Thus, US election campaigns have had a tired tendency to be decided in a few competing states, explains Thor Steinhovden, US commentator and author.

– The battle for the most powerful office in the world is decided in very few states. Some will say it’s a shame, because voters in other states don’t have much to say, he explains.

Through past elections, opinion polls, interviews, and population structure, Politico writes that the following tipping states will greatly influence elections:

Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin.

– Four states decide

Eirik Bergesen, the US TV 2 expert, goes as far as to say that the November 3 elections will be decided in four states. The remaining 46 states don’t need to think, according to the expert.

FOUR: Eirik Bergesen, the American TV 2 pundit, says elections will be decided in four states.

FOUR: Eirik Bergesen, the American TV 2 pundit, says elections will be decided in four states. Photo: Ingvil Teige Stiegler

– Actually, you don’t need to look anywhere other than the four states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, and Pennsylvania. It is the four of them, and nothing else, that will determine where the most powerful man in the world is chosen, says Bergesen.

Three states stand out

US commentator Steinhovden supports Politico and Bergesen’s analyzes.

– In these states there are so many contradictions among the population that it is not known how they choose. Everything else is clear, Steinhovden explains.

Additionally, it highlights three states that will be more exciting this year.

– It is very interesting in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Here Trump won 2016 and these are really democratic states. The question is whether the Democrats can win back these states, he says.


That these states become important is also reflected in where Biden and Trump leave the money.

Campaigns show candidates prioritize these states through staff growth, resource allocation, advertising, and candidate visits, Politico writes.

– It’s absolutely wild how close it is to these states. Both candidates spend money on advertising and personnel here, Bergesen notes.

The use of money is not an obstacle for Trump.

Last Tuesday, Trump said in an interview with Fox News that he will spend as much money as necessary.

– I want to use a lot of my own money to win in November. It is the most important election in the country’s history, Trump said according to the Axios website.

Riots give Trump an edge

Recently, there have been massive riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

NOISE: Recently, there have been several nights of massive riots in the Wisconsin state of Wisconsin.

NOISE: Recently, there have been several nights of massive riots in the Wisconsin state of Wisconsin. Photo: BRENDAN MCDERMID / Reuters

The city has been marked by large demonstrations and riots after police shot and wounded a black man. It could be in favor of Trump.

Wisconsin has a Democratic governor.

– You can use the noise in Wisconsin as proof that people should be afraid of what will happen if Democrats get power. It fits perfectly into their strategy of using fear to tilt the state in their favor, Steinhovden explains.

The election is on November 3 and the president is not elected directly by the people, but by voters appointed by all 50 states and the capital, Washington.
