– I would never call our fallen soldiers anything but heroes – VG


WAR CEMETERY VISITED: Donald Trum visits the Suresnes American Cemetery on the outskirts of Paris on November 11, 2018. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP

The American magazine The Atlantic writes that the American president is said to have called the American soldiers who lost their lives during the First World War losers. – Fiction, Trump answers.

The article claims that the president of the United States abandoned a visit to the Aisne-Marne American war cemetery in France in 2018 because he does not believe it is important to honor the fallen soldiers who are buried there.

In the cemetery there are American soldiers who lost their lives during the First World War.

According to four sources the magazine’s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg has spoken to, Trump is said to have called the soldiers killed in conversations with his employees prior to the planned visit “losers.”

– Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s full of losers, Trump is said to have said according to these sources.

In another conversation, he is said to have said that the more than 1800 Marines who lost their lives at the Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918 were losers because they were killed.

In 2015, before being elected president, Trump drew attention with his remarks that the now deceased US Senator and war veteran John McCain referred to as a war hero because he was captured during the Vietnam War. Check out the video here:

The AP news agency writes that they have spoken with a source in the United States Department of Defense and a naval officer confirming the story in The Atlantic.

The Washington Post has also covered the case. They write that a former Trump administration employee confirms that the president often made disparaging remarks about missing war veterans and soldiers, sometimes referring to them as losers.

Trump: – What animal would say something like that?

US President Donald Trump and the White House take a hard line against the article’s allegations, which contrast with the image Trump has created of himself as a champion of American soldiers and war veterans.

On the way home from a campaign speech in Pennsylvania on Thursday night, Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One that the article is completely fictitious and a shame.

– What animal would say something like that? he continued, according to NBC, adding that he has people who can disprove the allegations in the article.

Did you bring it with you? Trump vs. the late McCain: – I received no thanks after the funeral

On Twitter, the president writes that he has never said the things he is quoted about:

– I swear by anything and anyone I was asked to swear, that I never called our wonderful fallen soldiers anything but HEROES, the president writes, adding that the news is fictitious and likely to come from people trying to influence the November 3 presidential election.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows also says he believes the article is part of a smear campaign. He says, according to the Washington Post, that Trump is highly offended by the allegations.

Trump’s opponent in the election, Democrat Joe Biden, comments on the article as follows:

“If the revelations in today’s Atlantic article are true, they are further proof of how deeply we disagree with President Trump on the role of a United States president,” he said in a statement reproduced by NBC, adding:

– If I have the honor to serve as President, I will make sure our American heroes know that we will support them and honor their victims, always.

Highlights the statements of John McCain

Atlantic editor-in-chief Goldberg writes that he has been interested in Trump’s views on war veterans since he said in 2015 that the late Republican senator and war veteran John McCain was only described as a war hero because he had been taken prisoner in Vietnam, where he spent five years. imprisoned.

“I like people who are not taken prisoner,” Trump said in a comment that was condemned by various quarters.

When McCain died in 2018, Trump, according to The Atlantic, said he would not support the funeral of a “loser.” He must also have been furious when he saw a flag on half-staff, the magazine writes.

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Trump writes on Twitter that this is not true.

– I was never a big fan of John McCain and I disagreed with him. write, but add:

– But the first-rate funeral he received from our country had to be approved by me as president, and I did it without hesitation or complaint. In fact, I thought it was well deserved. I even sent Air Force One to look for her body, in a coffin, from Arizona to Washington. It was an honor for me to do it. And I never called John a loser.

During a visit to a factory in Ohio in 2019, Trump said he had not been thanked for the funeral he gave the late senator.

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