– I will not accept it – VG


IN PROTEST: Gordon Diehl has come from Michigan to Washington to protest against his new president. He believes that Biden will be the worst president the United States has ever had. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

WASHINGTON DC / OSLO (VG) Joe Biden says he wants to be a president for all Americans. But retired veteran Gordon Diehl doesn’t recognize his new president.

Hoping to meet like-minded people, Gordon Diehl has traveled from his home state of Michigan to Washington to be present during the inauguration of new US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The retired veteran is one of more than 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump, who left the White House Wednesday afternoon promising to return, one way or another:

Fearing further unrest after the dramatic congressional storm, 25,000 soldiers are stationed in the capital. Large areas are cordoned off and heavily uniformed police are present at every corner.

But so far there are absolutely no signs of drama on the streets.

VG meets a lone Trump supporter inside the barricades of the first security post a few hours before the actual inauguration.

With a large southern state flag on his back, Gordon Diehl leaves no doubt that it is a deeply divided America that the new president will now lead.

– Joe Biden is not my president. I will not accept it. I’m here to discuss my case. But we’ve been left so far behind, so I can’t even see it unfolded.

The deep divisions that characterize American society were also the subject of Joe Biden’s speech after he was sworn in as the new president of the United States.

There he said that he would be the president of all Americans and that he would fight both for those who voted for him and for those who did not vote for him.

– We’ll get through this together, he said.

Follow the VGTV broadcast of the historic day here:

But Gordon Diehl believes Joe Biden will be “the worst president the United States has ever had.” He points out that he will do everything Donald Trump has done in the last four years.

It is no secret that the new president will make great strides:

Joe Biden has already announced that he will rejoin the United States in the World Health Organization (WHO), stop construction of the much-discussed border fence with Mexico, and re-include the United States in the Paris Agreement.

The seas: This will be the first thing Joe Biden does

IN PROTEST: Some Donald Trump supporters have taken to the streets. Here with reference to the fact that Joe Biden, as the 46th president, should be brought before the Supreme Court. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

The Michigan man was also here this morning three weeks ago, when Congress was stormed by supporters of Donald Trump, who tried to prevent elected representatives from approving Joe Biden’s election victory.

– When I was here, everything was calm. I wasn’t here during the uprising, but it was completely peaceful when I was here, he says.

A total of five people died during the attack, including a police officer.

He doesn’t think those who participated in the congressional storm will show up today. He himself only plans to “hang around” and hopes to meet like-minded people.

– Those who were here on January 6 will probably not come today, it is a waste of time with all the security that there is here now. But I’m sure there will be other days, he says.

– What do you mean?

– No matter what Joe Biden tries to do, people will object.

– When there are people who do not accept that Biden is president, what happens then?

– They do what they want to do. They may be starting a riot.

CELEBRATING ON THE STREETS: Anthony Rojas (20) and Kiersten Vicknair (20). Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

A few streets away, VG meets an enthusiastic Anthony Rojas (20). You just saw the opening on your mobile and you have high hopes that Joe Biden can bring the country together.

– You must make everyone sit at the table and make concessions. That is what his campaign was about and why he became the Democratic nominee.

What do you think of the Trump supporters who come forward in protest?

They have every right to do so, just like we can be here to support Joe Biden. We live in a free country.
