– I voted for a guy named Trump – VG


MIAMI / OSLO (VG) Near his luxury property in West Palm Beach, Florida, the incumbent president cast his vote Saturday.

More than 53 million Americans have already voted for their presidential candidate.

There are six million more early votes than there were in total during the elections four years ago. And there are ten days until Election Day.

At 4 p.m. Norwegian time, Donald J. Trump entered the room where he was to cast his early vote.

– This was a safe vote, much safer than voting by mail. They have done a fantastic job here. It is an honor to be in this area, which I know so well. “Today we are going to have three big meetings of the electoral campaign,” Trump said minutes after casting his vote.

– Who did you vote for? asks a journalist.

“I voted for a guy named Trump,” the president said before leaving the polls.

Luxury resort

The incumbent president cast his vote in West Palm Beach, Florida. Here’s Trump’s private luxury resort, Mar-a-Lago.

The area is known for the enormous wealth visible to the naked eye with giant houses and ships.

According to CNN, Trump arrived in West Palm Beach on Friday night after two election campaign meetings and will go on to celebrate three new Saturdays, in North Carolina, Wisconsin and Ohio, after casting his vote in advance.

The voting center that Trump will use is the Palm Beach County Library, practically across the street from his golf course.

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The state of tilt in the south

National polls still show a huge lead over Democratic challenger Joe Biden. He’s in most polls with just over 50 percent of the vote, while Trump is scoring in his mid-40s or below.

However, the election is not decided by which candidate gets the most votes nationally, but who wins the most alleged voters.

Each state has several voters. The candidate who wins a state gets all the voters in the state and the votes of the losing party are eliminated.

Florida, where Trump is voting today, is one of the “swing states” that alternates between being won by Democrats and Republicans in the presidential election.

Obama won the state twice. George W. Bush did the same, while Bill Clinton won it only once.

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The bite leads as the pandemic increases

According to an average of polls reported by The New York Times, Biden leads with three voters in Florida, but the polls are as wrong as in 2016, Trump leads with one voter, according to the newspaper.

At the same time, the corona pandemic is gathering steam. Friday set a new dismal record for the number of infected in a single day: 83,757 newly infected, according to VG’s special crown.

Coping with the pandemic has become one of the most important questions of the electoral campaign, and it was the first topic that the two presidential candidates were asked in this week’s debate.

Trump said better times were “just around the corner,” while Biden warned of a “dark winter.”

Correction: A previous version of this article indicated that the United States had registered more than 85,000 new cases of covid-19 in a single day, Friday, October 23. The correct number is more than 83,757 new cases this day, according to VG’s crown special. It was corrected at 4:45 p.m. on 10/24/2020.

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