I understand that cartoons can be shocking


President Emmanuel Macron extends a hand to provoked Muslims. He says he respects her feelings.

Emmanuel Macron has been greeted with anger and protests after declaring war on Islamic terrorism. Now he shows understanding for the feelings of Muslims. Photo: Eric Gaillard / Pool Reuters

Muslims in various countries have burned French flags and portraits of the president. They have called for a boycott of French products. And fall into what they perceive as a war against Islam.

France has been hit by three terrorist attacks in a short time. Recently, in Nice, on Thursday, three people were stabbed to death in a church, one of whom was literally beheaded.

Emmanuel Macron has declared an uncompromising fight against Islamist terrorism. At the same time, he defended the right to publish drawings that could be perceived as blasphemous. The reactions were violent.

In an interview with the Arab television channel Al Jazeera broadcast on Saturday, he tries to calm his temper and extend a hand.

– Understand that people are surprised

– I understand and respect that people can be surprised by these drawings. But I will never accept that violence can be justified by them, he said, adding:

– I will always defend the freedom to speak, write, think and draw in my country.

The president asked people to understand that he must play various roles in the fiery conflict.

– I understand and respect feelings. My role is to calm things down, as I do now. But at the same time, I must protect these rights, he said.

Even before the assassination of teacher Samuel Paty, Macron claimed that Islam was in crisis. But he defended the right to publish drawings showing the Prophet Muhammad. After the latest terrorist attacks on French soil, the newsroom has in no way slowed down. At the same time, anger in the Muslim world has escalated.

Angry protesters in Karachi, Pakistan, burn a French flag on Saturday in protest against President Emmanuel Macron and the cartoons of the republic of Muhammad. Photo: Fareed Khan / AP

Distorted by leaders

Macron claims that many Muslims have been led to believe that the French state is behind the cartoons.

– I think the reactions came because lies were spread and my words were distorted, he said.

The French president also appealed to Muslims, explaining that it is they, and Islam as a religion, who have the most to lose from violence and extremism.

– There are many today who distort Islam. In the name of the religion they claim to defend, kill and massacre, said Macron, noting that Muslims are the first victims of terrorists and constitute 80 percent of the victims of terrorism.

“This is a problem for all of us,” he said.

Emmanuel Macron traveled to Nice on Thursday after the stabbing of three people in a church in the city. The attack less than two weeks after teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded after showing his students a cartoon of Muhammad. Photo: Eric Gaillard / Pool Reuters

Ice front against Turkey

Relations between France and Turkey have been at a freezing point in recent weeks following Macron’s crackdown on Islam. A highly provoked president, Tayyip Erdogan, asked Macron to review his mental health. He has also called for a boycott of French products.

In the interview, Macron stressed that he would like to defuse the situation. He noted that he had sent his condolences to Turkey after the earthquake that hit the country. But then it is necessary that “the Turkish president respects France, respects the EU, the values ​​of the union and does not serve as lies or insults.”

He also took the opportunity to criticize Turkey for acting aggressively in Syria and the eastern Mediterranean. The term he used to characterize Turkey’s behavior in the region was “imperial leanings”.

It is hardly perceived as an attempt to defuse the situation.
