– I knew it was a risk – VG


BETHESDA / MARYLAND (VG) After three nights in the hospital, the President of the United States returned to the White House on Monday night. Here he took off the bandage and again asked people not to fear the coronavirus.

Donald Trump was picked up from Walter Reed Hospital by the Marine One presidential helicopter on Monday. Here he has been hospitalized with corona infection from the night until Saturday.

When the helicopter became visible in the sky, the hundreds of supporters who had gathered outside the hospital began shouting “Trump 2020” in unison.

At 0038 Norwegian time, the president was seen walking out of the hospital door wearing a face mask. There he saluted him with his fist before getting into a waiting car that took him to the helicopter.

At 01 Norwegian time, 19 local time, the president was at his home in the White House. There he walked up the stairs to Truman’s balcony, pocketed his handkerchief, and waved and gave the photographers thumbs-up.

Later, he entered the White House, where several employees stayed, writes the AP news agency. According to the CDC from the US Institute of Public Health, corona-positive people can be contagious for ten days, and therefore the advice is that they should remain isolated for the same period of time.

Background: Trump says he’s leaving the hospital

– Don’t be afraid of him

In a video posted shortly after returning home, Trump repeated the statement he made early Monday, asking Americans not to be afraid of the virus.

– I have learned a lot about the coronavirus. One thing is for sure: don’t let it dominate you, don’t be afraid of it. You will beat it says Trump in the video – and assures voters that the United States has “the best medicine in the world” and that a vaccine will arrive “immediately.”

Experts in their own administration have stated that most people probably won’t have a vaccine until next year.

Astrid Meland comments: “Easy for you to say, Trump.”

– We go back to work, we have to be “out there”. As their leader, he had to. I knew it was a risk, a danger, but it’s okay. Now I’m better, and maybe I’m immune, I don’t know. Don’t let it dominate your lives. Get out, but be careful, the president continues in the video. ‘

– Most people are not as lucky as the president.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was in Miami Monday night for a public meeting hosted by NBC News. Here you say that you are concerned about the president’s statements.

– Around 1000 people a day contract the coronavirus. That is a major concern. Hope no one thinks this is not a problem. It is a serious problem, it is an international pandemic, he says.

Did you bring it with you? Fear that Secret Service employees were exposed to unnecessary risk of infection

Dr. David Nace, an expert on infectious diseases in the elderly at the University of Pittsburgh, tells the AP that it’s important for Americans to be realistic.

“Most people are not as lucky as the president, with their own medical equipment and access to experimental treatments,” he says.

In the United States, more than 210,000 people have lost their lives to the coronavirus:

Responds to removal of the facial mask

Many are also reacting to Trump’s decision to remove the microphone after arriving at the White House. Olivia Troye, former advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, tells CNN that she was “surprised”.

– Even after two years in the White House, I was surprised. It was a shame what she did. I can’t believe I did it, he tells the channel.

Joe biden write on Twitter that people need to listen to scientists and scientists.

– I was hopeful that the President, after going through what he’s been through, would communicate the right lesson to the American people: Mouthpieces mean something, they save lives, continue

DISINFECTED: The White House press room is being cleaned by people in protective gear on Monday, the day Trump returned from the hospital. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP

Democratic Congressman Lloyd Doggett calls the president a “super spreader.”

Well known as a super-spreader of hate, division, and false information about Covid-19, Trump has now apparently also become a super-spreader of the virus himself. write on Twitter – on a photo showing Trump removing his face.

See an overview of the president’s close contacts in the time before the infection was confirmed here

Trump’s press officer Kayleigh McEnany who is infected with the coronavirus, tells Fox News that he thinks the moment on the balcony was nice.

– Seeing him on that balcony, where he shows that we will come out of this, America will come out of this the same way he overcomes the disease. I think it was a really nice moment for our country, he says.

WAITING FOR THE PRESIDENT: Several Trump supporters gathered outside Walter Reed Hospital before Donald Trump was discharged Monday. A few counter-protesters had also appeared, and occasionally there was a great mood. Photography: Stig Øystein Schmidt, VG

It will be presented in the next presidential debate

Trump has been clear that he will quickly return to normal when he returns to the White House, although the treatment against Covid-19 will continue there.

Doctor on parts of Trump’s experimental treatment: – It could be dangerous

He plans to participate in the next presidential debate against Joe Biden, says Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for his election campaign, according to Reuters.

The debate is scheduled for October 15 in Miami. Trump also promises that he will start an election campaign again soon.

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