I hope Trump’s son poses in 2024


– Where will everything be?

Joe (72) stands outside the state convention in Sacramento with a homemade signal horn and MAGA hats, ready to protest the inauguration that is also taking place on the other side of the country.

Police officers and National Guard envoys walk back and forth along the security fences that surround the dome-shaped structure. On the street there are several armored vehicles lined up in a row.

But Trump supporters, who have sparked the security crackdown, are nowhere to be seen.

– It’s good to see that the governor is afraid of us, says Joe and nods to the uniformed forces. – But I was hoping they had something else to deal with.

US state buildings have had a strong security presence in recent days, also here in Sacramento.

US state buildings have had a strong security presence in recent days, also here in Sacramento. Photo: Fredrik Kalstveit / TV 2

Waiting for Donald jr.

Joe, who does not want to give his last name, has not yet come to terms with the November electoral defeat and is convinced that there was extensive electoral fraud. He says he also partially sympathizes with the assault on Congress on January 6.

– If I had been in DC that day, I would have joined the building. But he hadn’t attacked the police officers with fire extinguishers and such. I am against violence. At the same time, it is important that we give Democrats a clear message that we do not respect voter fraud.

Even though Joe has lost confidence in the American electoral system, he hopes that one of Donald Trump’s sons will run for office in 2024 and continue his father’s policy.

Joe expects more Trump in the White House.

Joe expects more Trump in the White House. Photo: Fredrik Kalstveit / TV 2

– Donald Trump jr. it is sharp as a razor. He is my first choice, but he had also supported Eric. Both guys are allergic to democratic shit, just like their father.

Joe imagines the undisputed patriarch of the Trump family stepping into a more peripheral political role while at the same time intensifying the fight against the American media and online giants.

– Will you start your own television channel, SOME media platform or empire? I don’t know, but something will happen. From what I know, he is launching an alternative internet, so that we can once again access the truths that Google is trying to hide from us.

It gives Biden 90 days

Finally, Joe is joined by Alessandra Vega (29), who not only shares Joe’s goodwill toward Trump, but also his dislike for the Democratic Party. Vega is wearing a Trump T-shirt and occupies a wide standing position on the sidewalk.

Joe said goodbye to Trump: – Much undone, but that’s life

– I always thought that I live in the last free country in the world, but now I no longer believe it. Democrats are violating our constitutional rights and ultimately want unlimited control over our lives.

Unlike Joe, Vega does not wear a mask, which he attributes to “shortness of breath” but also to political convictions.

– If I want to expose myself to danger, I have the right to do so. I too have the right to die, if I so wish.

Vega (29) believes that she has the right not to wear a mask.

Vega (29) believes that she has the right not to wear a mask. Photo: Fredrik Kalstveit / TV 2

A man, passing by on the sidewalk, growls a few words in the direction of Las Vegas.

– I love you too. The greatest of all is love, shouts Vega. – I love you, even if you had a terrible childhood and you hate yourself.

After the curbside exchange, Vega makes a grim prediction for Biden’s presidency.

– Democrats will also try to control Biden. Keep my words in mind: they will kill you in the first 60 days.

Time to search for the soul

In Montana, hundreds of miles from Joe and Alessandra Vega in Sacramento, is Hertha Lund. The 58-year-old lawyer has voted for Republicans in several presidential elections and considers himself a conservative, but does not support Trump.

He is concerned about the glorification of violence among those whom he has long considered contemporaries. After the assault on congress, he took to Facebook with clear encouragement.

Hertha Lund is one of many Republicans who have distanced themselves from the recent violence in the United States.

Hertha Lund is one of many Republicans who have distanced themselves from the recent violence in the United States. Photo: Fredrik Kalstveit / TV 2

– It is time to search for the soul in the United States, he wrote on his wall.

Recent polls suggest that about 20 percent of all registered Republicans supported the assault on Congress on January 6. Lund finds this disturbing.

– The truth is that those who support Trump inflicted this shame and destruction on us, Lund wrote further down in the post.

While Lund is right about Trump supporters, he is also not very optimistic about the Biden presidency.

– Unfortunately, I hope that the Biden presidency will move the United States even further away from the freedoms the nation is based on. He is joining at a crucial time and I hope that he will become president of all Americans, not just one faction of the Democratic Party. We need unity in America more than ever.
