– I am offended in this case – VG


OSLO DISTRICT COURT (VG) Laila Bertheussen talks about problems with the security that was installed around the house, about the play “Ways of seeing” and punishes the PST for tunnel vision.

The ten-week criminal case against Laila Anita Bertheussen began on Tuesday. In the Oslo District Court, she is accused of several attacks on democracy, through arson, damage and threats against prominent politicians.

One of the victims in the case is his own partner, Tor Mikkel Wara, who was Minister of Justice during the period of the threats and attacks.

She denies her criminal guilt, and on Wednesday morning she began her free explanation in room 250:

– I am 55 years old, mother of two beautiful girls. It may seem that PST has been forgotten, but I am offended in this case.

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DEFENDANT: Attorney John Christian Elden on his way to court Wednesday morning. Photo: Harald Henden, VG

– I’m not a snitch

The police security service (PST) only suspected Laila Bertheussen after the family’s car was set on fire in front of their house on Røa in Oslo, on the night of March 10 last year. Four days after the arson, she was arrested and charged with the matter.

The security service believes that they had later eliminated the possibility of other perpetrators, and soon after was suspected of the other attacks against Wara.

BACKGROUND: This is how they took her

The theater performance “Ways of Seeing”, where a film from Bertheussen’s house was shown, will be the backdrop for the events. He says he read an article about the play where he said his house had been filmed.

– Tor Mikkel did not want to see this, but I am Laila from Lødingen, I have to see this, says Bertheussen, who bought two tickets and went to the Black Box Theater.

– I’m going in. I always have documentation that I must support. This is the first time that no one comes to me first and asks why I have to stand. I’m standing on the stairs and I’m filming very openly. I am not a snitch.

– I stay like this for an hour before a guy comes and tells me that I can’t publish what we’ve filmed. She hadn’t thought of that, says Bertheussen, who says she left the theater.

Read also: New details of the car fire that aroused suspicions

Refser PST

Bertheussen also explained about the phone call he received from FRP leader Siv Jensen on Easter 2018. Jensen would then hear if Wara wanted to become Minister of Justice.

The cohabiting couple discussed the request with each other and agreed that she should say yes.

– There will always be a “yes”. It was applied before this case, during this case and after this case. The PST must not be allowed to scare anyone out of politics, Bertheussen said.

The 55-year-old believes that the security service has had the blinders on in the investigation and that they have only followed one theory from the beginning, with her as the perpetrator.

– PST has had tunnel vision, she says.

– It’s scary. Now I am here accused of all this here, while the real perpetrators go free. It has been and has been a huge burden, Bertheussen said in court.

Alter ego

When Tor Mikkel Wara was appointed Minister of Justice, Bertheussen created an alter ego on Facebook. In court, he explained that this alter ego was “lip smacking” Per Sandberg.

– I have not met Per, but I have apologized, said Bertheussen.

Finally, she was also invited to a group on Messenger where they discussed three things; Per Sandberg, Black Box Theater and Bishop of Oslo Kari Veiteberg.

The 55-year-old man accused of threats also described in detail how security in and around the house was strengthened in connection with Wara becoming minister of state. He also described problems with parts of the security system.

– There should be a lot of nonsense with the installation from day one, he explained.

He then described further problems with the facility a few days before the family’s car was set ablaze on the night of March 10 last year, the episode that led to his arrest.

The first incident

Bertheussen explained that on the morning of December 6, 2018, her partner and then Minister of Justice, Tor Mikkel Wara, woke her up. She allegedly asked her to come out and look at the car.

– Someone had drawn a swastika on our car. We believe that young people have committed vandalism, he explained.

During this day before Christmas, several journalists appeared on the site, to which Bertheussen is said to have reacted.

– This is the first incident they accuse me of, he explained.

Denied questioning

In the month after the arrest, it was explained to the police three times.

– The plan was to conduct a confrontational police questioning, before she had access to the case documents and before the indictment was dropped, prosecutor Marit Formo said in her introductory speech on Tuesday.

also read: The controversy over the mysterious packages

Bertheussen wanted to access the documents before further questioning, but even when the request was granted, he refused to provide an explanation. This means that the police have not been able to question Bertheussen for a year and a half, more specifically since 8 April last year.

– Therefore, no further explanations have been given. She has denied the content of the accusation, the prosecutor said.

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