– I am honored – VG


PENNSYLVANIA / WASHINGTON / OAKLAND (VG) Four days after the historic, grueling and stressful election, the result after all the sun brands is clear. Donald Trump is leaving the White House and Joe Biden is entering.

On Saturday, November 7, the history of the United States will be written. Joe Biden has been named president of CNN, NBC, CBS, Fox News and the Associated Press. Even conservative Fox News reports that Trump has lost the election.

This after new figures from Pennsylvania made it clear that it is winning in the state. A little later on Saturday night, it became clear that Biden will also win the state of Nevada. According to Fox News, that gives him up to 290 voters, because they also believe Arizona has won.

Even though the major media have now named Biden as the winner, there are still formal processes in the tally and the result has not been made official.

In addition, the incumbent president questions the results in several states. Donald Trump and his team have presented no evidence of their allegations of voter fraud.

Highest number of votes in history

Biden won the US election with the highest number of votes in US history. At the same time, Kamala Harris will be the first female vice president in the United States.

– America. I am honored that I have been chosen to lead our magnificent country, writes Biden on Twitter.

Joe Biden has changed his description of himself on Twitter from “former vice president” to “incoming president.”

– The job ahead of us will be difficult, but I promise: I want to be a president for all Americans, whether they vote for me or not.

– I want to take care of the faith you have placed in me.

Harris: – We did it, Joe.

Kamala Harris has also changed the description on Twitter to “incoming vice president.”

– This choice is much more than Joe Biden or me. It is about the soul of America and our willingness to fight for it. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Let’s get started, Harris wrote on Twitter.

Harris later released a video, in which he says in a phone call:

– We did it, Joe. You are going to be the next president of the United States.

Pennsylvania decided

The state that decided it all in 2016 has made it clear once again who will sit in the White House for the next four years.

As early as Friday night, it became clear that various media outlets declared former Vice President Joe Biden (78) the winner of Pennsylvania and thus are bringing with them another 20 voters.

On Saturday night, there are also clearly several American media declares Joe Biden the winner of Nevada, giving him six more voters. Both CNN, the New York Times, and the conservative Fox News report this.

That puts Biden well above the magic limit of 270 voters. With at least 279 voters, he will be the next president of the United States.

Votes are still counted, and the media have different practices for when they consider that a state is decided. VG figures are provided by DPA, as a user CNN as main source:

Since election night, the distribution of so-called voters has been more or less stagnant. The vote count has been delayed, and little by little, Joe Biden has converted several states where Donald Trump first led.

Four years with President Donald Trump were enough for a clear majority of American voters. Joe Biden wins both the most voters and the total number of votes in the entire country:

With more than 74.5 million votes, he is the first presidential candidate in the history of the United States to receive more than 70 million votes from the population.

Donald Trump has also set a record: he has received at least 70.3 million votes, which is a new record for the Republican Party. There is also a sharp increase since the elections four years ago when he received 62.9 million.

Historic choice

The 2020 US presidential election will likely go down in the history books as one of the most controversial and troublesome elections ever held in the United States.

President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit before the election. He has also filed a number of lawsuits in various states, losing many of them.

Already the day after the elections, Trump sent his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to the city of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania to question the legitimacy of the electoral process in the blue districts of the state.

The accusations and accusations of electoral fraud have hit the state, without the president’s side providing evidence.

During a press conference late Thursday night, President Trump made a series of accusations that led several major media outlets to choose to end the live broadcast of his speech because they thought it was unethical to send out the propaganda from Trump to the people.

Trump’s allegations of election fraud have set fire to supporters who are cracking down on the ongoing vote counting.

Conspiracy theories are now spreading on social media during the election thriller in the US.

An hour before CNN named Biden the winner on Saturday, Donald Trump once again declared himself the winner on Twitter.

– I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT, wrote in capital letters.

Donald Trump’s campaign arrived on Saturday with an announcement on Twitter. Here he writes that “the simple fact is that this election is far from over.”

According to Fox News, the Trump administration will not give up and is willing to take the case to the Supreme Court to have Pennsylvania’s votes rejected.

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