Hurtigruten’s hired public relations adviser met in a crisis meeting with his left-wing colleague Iselin Nybø – E24


When the crown crisis came, Hurtigruten had already hired First House lobbyist Anne Solsvik. During the last two months, he has worked, among others, in a crisis meeting with the Minister of Industry, Iselin Nybø.


Both come from the left party.

Since mid-March, Solsvik, who was previously the leader of the Young Left and personal advisor to Trine Skei Grande, has worked to influence the government to provide the company with crown support.

In 2015 she went to First House, and last year she became a partner in the agency. According to the agency’s website, she has “assisted clients with a public relations position” in recent years.

Solsvik will contact the political leaders of the Ministry of Industry on Tuesday, March 17. There is all the top leadership of the party. Left: Industry Minister Iselin Nybø, Secretary of State Lucie-Katrine Sunde-Eidem and political adviser Britt Giske Andersen.

Although Solsvik works at First House, last year he was still part of the inner circle on the left. At the national party meeting, both she and Nybø had the headquarters. In October last year, party leader Grande brought Solsvik to help the left assess the party’s disastrous election campaign.

Six months later, it is Solsvik who asks for help from his party colleagues on the left.

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CRISIS MEETING: Industry Minister Iselin Nybø (V) is partying with Anne Solsvik, and met with Hurtigruten’s leadership at a crisis meeting.

Ørn E. Borgen / NTB scanpix Photo: Ørn E. Borgen

Get an answer in six minutes

Solsvik contacts, among other things, a party colleague and Secretary of State Lucie-Katrine Sunde-Eidem at the Ministry of Industry and Secretary of State Jorunn Hallaråker of the Christian People’s Party.

“Hello Jorunn and Lucie. Follow the conversation with Jorunn about the need for travel guarantees,” Solsvik writes in an email on March 17.

Solsvik reports that the support schemes, as designed, do not help Hurtigruten well enough. It calls on the state to create a “guarantee crisis fund” for future tourist bookings not only for 2020, but also for 2021 and 2022.

On Friday March 20, Solsvik followed up with a new email to Sunde-Eidem and requested a meeting with Industry Minister Nybø.

– We understand that you are working on a tourism package, and we have some specific contributions that we believe it is crucial that it brings, if we have a tourism industry that recovers. Request a meeting with the political leadership as soon as possible and to reserve 20-30 minutes so that we can receive input for further work, writes Solsvik.

The email will be sent at 13.03. Six minutes later she responds.

– Hello Anne. From 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm we will have a conference call today. Mrs. Lucie K.

– Thanks again for a quick follow-up, replies Solsvik.

Hurtigruten management tells Nybø that the shipping company could lose NOK 5 billion in revenue before the end of the year, and that the company relies on crown support to survive.

PRESS COUNCIL Hurtigruten hired Anne Solsvik as a substitute in February.

First house

He was hired before the crisis

In the months after the crown eruption, Solsvik has contact with senior management in four ministries.

Anne Solsvik at First House says she has been hired by First House for months, even before the crown crisis occurred.

– I have been involved in Hurtigruten since February due to sick leave at the company. So it is natural that in a situation you have follow-up for the company, says Solsvik.

– What considerations have you made regarding dual roles in trying to influence party cheating on the left?

– I think it’s good that you talk to Torleif (Ernstsen, CFO of the fast route).

– But what reflects on the dual roles as lobbyist and against the traps of the party on the left?

– I have no intention of going into that, says Solsvik, referring again to Hurtigruten.

He also adds that party membership is a private matter and that it is not illegal for employees in the communications industry to be members of political parties.

Left-wing politicians will not comment

Neither the Minister of Business, Iselin Nybø (V), nor the Secretary of State, Lucie-Katrine Sunde-Eidem, will interview each other. Communication consultant Lotte Nilsen Brudevoll from the Ministry of Industry writes in an email that can be quoted as follows:

“Hurtigruten is an important player directly affected by the crisis in the crown, so it is natural that they have contact with both the Ministry of Commerce and Fisheries and the Ministry of Finance on the situation. The ministry has no comment on the hiring and participation in Hurtigruten. “

Hurtigruten chief financial officer Torleif Ernstsen says Solsvik was hired due to a long-term sick leave at the company.

– Most people who work with politics and social contact have a political background, whether they work with communication, within the media or with government contact. Anne too, says Ernstsen.

– Anne joined us full time as early as February, long before the crown crisis hit Norway and the world. We are very pleased with the work he does as a substitute, says Ernstsen.

CORRECTION: In an earlier version of this case, it was not clear that Solsvik was hired by Hurtigruten before the crown crisis occurred. This is now cleared up. The case was updated at 19:41 on May 11, 2020.

This case was originally published on iTromsø.no. Read more about them:

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