Human rights, Iran Four men convicted of robbery:


Call on the international community to pressure Iran to stop its plans.

Activists and organizations claim that four men between the ages of 30 and 40 have been sentenced to the amputation of four fingers each. People have been convicted of robbery.

Both Amnesty International and Iran Human Rights condemn the plans to handcuff the prisoners.

An activist living in Iran has contacted Nettavisen and says there is an imminent danger that punishment is imminent.

– Four fingers will be cut off from these four people. The Supreme Court has approved the verdict, which means that the verdict can be executed at any time, the activist tells Nettavisen.

Also read: This machine amputates fingers

Punished with manual cutting

He says the Iranian regime no longer practices amputation as punishment in large part due to fears of pressure and international backlash.

– But they do it at least once a year to remind people that there is still a hudud section in Islamic criminal law, he says.

Hudud refers to crimes that in the Qur’an are called violating the “limits of God”. Theft is one of the fur crimes that is punishable by cutting by hand.


The online newspaper has chosen to anonymize the activist for his own safety. But there are several other open sources that go a long way in confirming that the information is correct. Amnesty International also issued a statement of concern on Friday. The organizations also believe that punishment may be imminent.

– They are sentenced to have four fingers cut off from his right hand, leaving only the palm and thumb left, says Amnesty International in a press release.

Also read: Sentenced to hand amputation after several robberies at home

– Carrying out such horrible and inhumane punishments is not justice and underscores the brutality of the Iranian criminal justice system. Amputation is torture, which is prohibited under international law. It is a heinous attack on human dignity, Amnesty Middle East and Africa Deputy Director Diana Eltahawy said in a statement.

“The international community must act immediately to ensure that the execution of the sentence is stopped,” Eltahawy said.

30 cuts

Iran Human Rights has tracked the number of times the regime has publicly announced this type of punishment. The organization believes that the regime uses punishment as a deterrent and to spread fear and terror in society. In the last ten years, more than 30 amputations have been performed, according to the organization’s census.

– Cutting limbs as punishment is inhuman, cruel and repulsive. The international community, and especially the EU and Norway, must pressure the Iranian authorities to halt the implementation of the sanctions, Iran’s Human Rights chief Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said in a statement.

– The world can no longer remain silent and allow amputation as punishment in the 21st century in a UN member state, says Amiry-Moghaddam, who leads the organization from Oslo.

The men convicted of robbery are incarcerated in the city of Urmia, in northwestern Iran.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Manual cutting is often carried out in a public place to deter people.  The image shows large crowds taking pictures of a severed hand in Iran in 2013.

Manual cutting is often carried out in a public place to deter people. The image shows large crowds taking pictures of a severed hand in Iran in 2013.
Photo: Mohsen Tavarro (AP)

Chop by hand

Under Iranian criminal law, theft is punishable by amputation of four fingers of the right hand.

When repeating, the left foot should be amputated. For the third time, the person is sentenced to life imprisonment, and new repetitions trigger the death penalty, says Iran Human Rights.
