How Trump Mobilized Supporters Before the Riots – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


Both within the United States and by leaders around the world, there are strong condemnations of the call of the President of the United States to come to the capital to recover what he calls “the stolen elections.”

From the Prime Minister of Norway

“> Erna Solberg To Germany

“> Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Many believe that Trump created a climate of violence and unrest through his numerous calls for large protests on January 6.

Donald Trump has written several messages in which he has incited his followers.

Donald Trump made constant calls to appear in Washington DC to protest.

Photo: Donald Trump Twitter-profile

Trump thinks he “lit the fire”

Although Trump has never directly said that Congress should be stormed, there were also reactions from members of the Republicans:

Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney said it was Trump who “lit the fire” among the protesters. Republican Senator Marco Rubio tweeted a petition urging the president to ask his supporters to resign.

Protesters attacked police with iron bars and other weapons, the Capitol Police Chief told CNN. Four people died after the clashes. Two tube bombs were also found in the building.

These are some of the president’s messages on Twitter:

  • On Christmas Eve, he shared a long video where he warns about how communists work to take control. «6. January. See you in DC, ”Trump writes.
  • December 30: “January 6, see you in DC!”
  • The first day In January, the president wrote that the BIG protest rally will take place on January 6. Details of exactly where he will arrive in the capital later on were modest.
  • The same day you shared one twitter message where the message was that the ransom would arrive on January 6.
  • Two days later, the president separated on video where the message is that a rally in Washington on January 6 may be the most important day in Washington history. The clip has been played more than 10 million times and ends with a call to take to the streets by Trump.
  • The same day he also left a message that he himself would be present on this historic day.
  • January 5: “See you in DC”.

Said he loved the protesters

When the protests spiraled out of control and the mob entered federal buildings, the president was back on Twitter. This time He asked everyone to demonstrate peacefully. “Remember that we are the party of law and order,” was the call.

He also tweeted that his elections had been stolen and posted a video saying that he loves the protesters, but they had to go home.

The tone was quite different from when protesters took to the streets and smashed statues in June last year. Later, the president recalled that he had asked the authorities to impose a prison sentence of ten years for anyone who destroys federal assets.

Donald Trump is now banned from various social media for two weeks.

Condemn the violence

On Thursday night, the White House held a brief press conference in which it strongly condemned the violence in Washington DC.

Kayleigh McEnany went directly to an urgent press conference at the White House on Thursday.

See Also: This Happened As Trump Supporters March On Congress:

Timeline: the dramatic Washington hours
