How to be visible when jogging in the dark – NRK Lifestyle – Tips, tips and insight


Two of the best athletes in Norway have prepared an experiment on the occasion of the day of reflection on October 15.

In the video at the top of the case, they run with two other athletes.

How long before I see them?

Even the most recognizable top athletes like Henrik Ingebrigtsen and Hedda Hynne can be hard to see in the dark at this time of year. At least if they don’t have reflectors.

A collage of photos of the best Norwegian athletes Henrik Ingebrigtsen and Hedda Hynne.

Perhaps this is how you are more used to seeing top athletes Henrik Ingebrigtsen and Hedda Hynne.

Photograph: Fredrik Hagen / Ørn E. Borgen / NTB

– I always have a reflection when I run. Sometimes I also have a small light in my shoes to make sure people see me, even if there is no light directly on me, says Hedda Hynne, who is the fastest in the world at 800 meters.

Running legend Henrik Ingebrigtsen also makes sure he’s visible when he’s in the dark.

– We received strict training in childhood that we had to use reflexes when running long distances, he says.

Especially remember a competition in elementary school. The winner was the one who wore a reflection every day.

– Turning it into a competition shot me a lot. me would do wear the reflex every day, says Ingebrigtsen and laughs.

Since he became a father, he has become even more careful about using reflections.

– It is important to take care of yourself, the most important thing is to take care of the little ones who may not understand that the car cannot see them. Children see us as role models, so it is important to lead by example, he says.

Video showing children in the dark with reflections.

Best protection in the dark

One in four Norwegians do not use a reflex when exercising or running outdoors. It shows a recent poll conducted by TNS Kantar on behalf of Trygg Trafikk and Fremtind.

If you train after dark, autumn darkness can appear suddenly. You can also catch cars and other vehicles if they don’t see you on the road.

If a car is traveling at 50 kilometers per hour, the driver has up to ten seconds to react, if he uses a reflex. If the pedestrian walks without a reflection, the driver has only two seconds, according to Trygg Trafikk.

– It is an incredible pity that more people do not use reflections. Being visible is the strongest protection you can have in traffic, that and vigilance, says Ann-Helen Hansen of Trygg Trafikk.

She recommends that people use reflexes even when on the way to and from training.

– People should also know that reflective vests wear out over time, because they are washed in the washing machine. The reflective vest should be replaced after 20-30 washes, Hansen advises.

An easy way to check if the reflective vest is still working is to perform the flashlight test.

  1. Put the reflective vest on a chair in a dark room.
  2. Walk a few meters and shine a flashlight on the vest at eye level
