How could Madsen escape? – VG


ESCAPE TRIAL: Peter Madsen was given just over five loose minutes Tuesday morning before being arrested and handcuffed. Photo: Nils Meilvang / Ritzau Scanpix

Denmark’s Justice Minister demands a review after Peter Madsen became the second high-profile inmate to escape from a Danish prison in less than a year. These are the unanswered questions after Tuesday’s drama.

At 10:21 a.m., the Copenhagen West Region Police received a report that an inmate was attempting to escape from Herstedvester Prison, causing a major emergency.

Soon after, police arrested a prisoner who was fleeing when trying to get into a white van in Nyvej.

It turned out to be Peter Madsen, who is serving a life sentence for the murder and separation of Swedish journalist Kim Wall.

When he was arrested and handcuffed, police discovered that he was wearing a belt that looked suspicious. According to Police Inspector Mogens Lauritsen, this must have looked a lot like a bomb belt, but apparently not explosive.

He also had a pistol-like object that he used to take a female employee in the prison, according to the Ekstra Bladet psychologist, as a hostage and human shield while trying to escape.

However, very little is known about the cause. These are the unanswered questions.

How did you get the “gun” and the “bomb belt”?

According to police, Madsen was in possession of a gun-like object and a belt similar to a bomb belt when he was arrested.

In principle, both items will be difficult to obtain in a security prison of the type that Madsen is in. Herstedvester houses some of the most dangerous prisoners in Denmark, and the prisoners live with strict routines and under a strict security regime.

Berlingske Tidende has previously written that daily life in Herstedvester is relatively programmed:

* From 9:15 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. the door of the prisoners’ cells is closed.

* At 7.30 they meet to work in one of the many workshops in the prison.

* For breakfast, the inmates cook together in the shared kitchen. The working day ends at 3 pm, after which joint activities such as soccer, badminton and strength training are carried out.

* In the cell, the inmates have a bed, desk, wardrobe and television.

* Once a week, inmates have the right to visit for one hour. And once a day, they let out fresh air.

Police are now investigating whether Madsen received help in the escape attempt, but they say there is currently no indication of that.

They are also investigating whether Madsen himself produced the tools he used, or whether there is anything he has received or found in jail.

How long have you been planning the escape attempt?

At the press conference, the police received several questions from the Danish press about unconfirmed reports that Madsen planned to escape for a long time.

They were also asked if Madsen had previously been or was in solitary confinement due to alleged escape plans.

There was never a clear answer to this.

– We are now working to investigate the course of events, was the response of Hanne Høegh Rasmussen, who runs the Herstedvester prison, to all questions about what happened before the escape.

If he has made the objects himself, things may indicate that the escape attempt has been planned for some time.

Peter Madsen is also known as “Rocket-Madsen” and described as an “inventor”. He has not registered any pure innovation in his name, but the submarine where Kim Wall was killed was, among other things, homemade by Madsen and other volunteers.

also read

Peter Madsen took the employee hostage

Who was the man in the white truck?

Madsen was arrested when he tried to get into a white van near the prison.

It is unknown who the driver of the truck was and if he had any connection to Madsen.

However, police say the driver was probably off guard when Madsen entered. The driver will be questioned later, but so far it has been difficult due to the language barrier.

– Yes, Lauritsen answered questions about whether he was a foreign driver.

also read

Documentary: Peter Madsen admitted the murder of Kim Wall

What happens to Madsen now?

Police write in a press release that Peter Madsen has been charged with escaping prisoners according to section 124 of the Danish Penal Code, and police say they are considering new charges.

The Copenhagen police are now assessing whether he should be presented for so-called constitutional questioning, that is, custody.

John Hatting, president of the Danish Association for Correctional Care, says Madsen probably won’t return to Herstedvester right away.

– My immediate assessment is that it will take some time, that is, several years, if it arises, he tells Jyllands-Posten.

Additionally, he says Madsen will face increased attention in the future.

– It will be a very cheap punishment for him. You will have far fewer freedoms internally in prison. Your ability to participate in activities will be subject to strict security measures.

Furthermore, he says that it is common for prisoners to be transferred after escape attempts, and lists several places of imprisonment relevant to Madsen: Storstrøm Prison in Falster, Nyborg Prison, and Ennermark Prison outside Horsens.

– The professional handling of a prison break is quite common, that you do not return to it.

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