Honor and shame affect the daily lives of many girls


  • Arina Aamir (15 years old)
    Arina Aamir (15 years old)

    Vice President, Aker Unge Høyre

We must be their voice, because many of them do not have the opportunity to ask for help, writes Arina Aamir (15), deputy leader of Aker Unge Høyre. Photo: Anastasiia Pavlyuk / Shutterstock / NTB

This is a culture that must be fought.

Say; D post
This is a post by Si; D. Opinions in the text are the responsibility of the writer. Publications can be submitted here.

Regardless of whether we have come a long way in the fight against negative social control, we have a way to go before we can say that we are on target. Many in immigrant communities expose their daughters to coercion and violence. It just cannot be tolerated.

We must support all girls and women who are forcibly married, subjected to genital mutilation and who do not have the opportunity to live a free life. We must be their voice, as many of them do not have the opportunity to ask for help.

It is important that this topic is put on the agenda, so that those who need help can get it.

From vulnerable to worse

Women and girls are already the most vulnerable in many developing countries, but the corona pandemic makes this time even more demanding for them. Millions of girls are at risk of giving birth. Many of them miss the opportunity to go to school.

Why is the entire world community sitting around and just watching instead of trying to make a difference to guarantee these girls their rights?

No one should have to live in fear for their life, especially when it is their close relationships that threaten their life. We have several examples of this in Norway. This is why it is so important that we realize that it is time to act!

Arina Aamir (15), deputy director of Aker Unge Høyre. Photo: Morten Uglum

We must see action

Politicians must come up with concrete measures to ensure that girls are not deprived of independent options. To achieve this, it is very important that immigrant families also resist the pressure of the environment and give their daughters the freedom to which they are entitled.

Honor and shame are concepts that affect the daily lives of many girls of immigrant origin. Many people do not have the opportunity to choose their spouse, education, profession and circle of friends without consequences.

This is a culture that must be fought, but no change can be made unless everyone contributes to that physical and mental abuse.

We must ensure that no more girls and women are exposed to domestic violence. That no one else is subjected to forced marriage and that no one is deprived of the right to self-determination.

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