Homeland Security Authority Has Uncovered Suspicious IT Activity At Multiple Businesses – VG


Bente Hoff, department director at the National Security Authority, says they constantly experience attempts at digital attacks on Norwegian social values. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

The National Security Authority has discovered suspicious activity at various companies in connection with the investigation of the Storting hacking.

Following the IT attack on the Storting last week, the National Security Authority (NSM) has worked closely with the security and intelligence services on handling.

Similar suspicious activity has been discovered at other companies, both public and private, NSM states in a press release.

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Has implemented measures

– We are constantly experiencing attempts at digital attacks on Norwegian social values ​​and therefore we will strongly encourage both companies and individuals to contribute to preventive security work, says department director Bente Hoff in a statement from press.

NSM National Cyber ​​Security Center coordinates and assists relevant activities with analysis, advice and technical measures.

NSM encourages companies to use, among other things, two-step authorization and unique passwords per service, in addition to regular security updates.

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Cyber ​​attacks against the Storting and inside

The computer attack on the Storting was made public on Tuesday, September 1, but was discovered the week before. The Storting administration learned of unauthorized logins to the email accounts associated with the Storting.

On the night of Tuesday, September 1, Hedmark ICT, which operates IT systems in the municipalities of Hamar, Stange, Kongsvinger, Sør-Odal, Løten, Nord-Odal and Grue in the interior, also discovered an attack in which Emails with a malicious attachment were sent to employees. in the municipalities. According to NSM, there is no connection to the attack the Storting has been exposed to.

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