Here Northug erupts again: frustrated, joking and cursing after the bread duel – NRK Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule


– He’s motivated to keep going, motivated to deal with shit, to get on his way, John Northug tells NRK seriously, while sitting on the couch in Mosvik’s house.

The place where the entire history of the Petter Northug cross-country skiing phenomenon began.

More normal situation today

It was here that Norway’s most famous cross-country father reunited the three brothers in the weeks after the eldest son at a press conference admitted that they both had a serious drug problem and that he was driving when police stopped him in August. .

In addition, he told several times about driving 200 kilometers per hour in zone 80, while filming it.

– We spend time together. Time needed together, I think. Then we try to normalize everyday life. And that has prompted Petter to seek help. The rest of us go and we are motivators around what is happening. We think we are beginning to have a more normal situation today, says John Northug.

– There is no doubt that family has been important to Petter in all the years. Perhaps even more now than ever.

John northug

WELCOME TO “THE THUG”: Dad John Northug leads the way to his greasing station a stone’s throw from his home. Petter Northug’s accomplishments and newspaper articles grace the entrance.

Photo: Mikal Aaserud / NRK

Joking about the world cup winner

A hundred kilometers from the agricultural idyll in Mosvik, there may be a good picture of how the family has helped Petter Northug.

It is true that this applies to profanity and groans of frustration are heard in the destination area of ​​the Granåsen ski resort in Trondheim. A former ski star is gradually trying to recover after a fiery sprint loss this October afternoon.

– Fuck, I’m so good, that is. He was so close to victory! exclaims Petter Northug after watching his little brother Even put his ski boot a few inches in front of him at the finish line in the race in the first of three sprint duels between the two.

Then he jokes about what he can achieve with a good standing ski.

– I will not be surprised if I become the winner of the World Cup this year.

Even Northug just looks at the plot.

He’s been quiet around the former ski king for more than two months. But this week, NRK was there to watch Even and Petter Northug’s nearly two-and-a-half hour skating session.

First, what should be a long journey of about forty miles. A little more hoarse than the younger brother had imagined, so fast that he may have to put aside the tough session tomorrow …

The Northug Train

NORTHUG TRAIN: Petter and Even Northug, here going up the opposite slopes on a long journey to Granåsen.

Photo: Mikal Aaserud / NRK

But there are forces left. For prestige, where the competitive instincts are fired to the maximum and the nerves are in full swing, they come running. Even without spectators.

The old man is not the strongest, although Even Northug after three sprint victories points out a bit sarcastically that the older brother may be faster now than at the end of his active career.

– Maybe I’ll be aiming for Beitostølen, says Northug and aiming for the weekend for the cross country opening where the most active and committed senior runners pose.

Then laugh good again.

The Northug brothers

EVALUATION: Even and Petter Northug both discussed after the sprint duels in Granåsen.

Photo: Mikal Aaserud / NRK

Everything that happens this October afternoon is in stark contrast to how the outside world saw it two months ago.

So it was serious.

For Even Northug, it was hard to see what his older brother went through. He says he’s just tried to take care of him. And the incident has probably strengthened the brotherhood …

– But of course, he took it seriously. It should not be placed under a chair. But I really feel like he’s learning from that. You are back on the right track. I think it’s okay. And he seems to be in a good and positive mood. Now I’m looking forward to it, says Even Northug.

Understand the skeptics

The thanks during the press conference were many. Reactions are excellent both in lifestyle, cocaine seizures and rough driving. Petter Northug is still charged with drug possession and speeding. During his press conference in late August, one of his most important messages to the outside world was that he would seek professional help.

The main character himself still doesn’t want to say much about his own situation when he meets NRK. It is very early for now.

In Mosvik, Father John is still sitting on the couch. Behind him hang the photos of the three children. You have had time to reflect on how things could go so far with the older son.

– First and foremost, you remember, the breakthrough, very young, great attention, celebrity status, at the same time with great sports performance with a lot of adrenaline, yes. It is a very special life. I thought so.

John northug

OPEN: John Northug tells how he has lived the last few months and what he thinks about the future of the eldest son.

Photo: Mikal Aaserud / NRK

When Northug recognized the serious drug problems, he also knew he was going to seek professional help.

– A lot is about training in normal everyday life, which you haven’t really had. That is the important thing. I feel that Petter is very motivated and I receive professional help that has been very helpful to Petter. So inside of me now, there is some optimism, says John Northug, who can really follow the progression of treatment.

– We meet periodically in Teams (communication platform) where we have contact with professionals, or Petter’s assistants. It is a safety for the family, then we get information about what is happening. We think it works very well.

– There are many who see the training photos. Things are looking great. Then there are some skeptics who see it too and who claim to have seen this before. What do you say to them?

– I understand the skeptics. It’s something that can’t be defended at all, and it’s probably more to think and understand that the life Petter has lived is completely abnormal. It is hardly a normal daily life. Even every day when you go to the store, there is an incredible amount of attention.

– It is well intentioned, but the sum of the good may be too much. What I trust is that you have fantastic help. I notice a difference in Petter. But this is not a “quick fix”, it is something Petter must spend time on. And it’s well advanced, says John Northug.

Northug’s reckless driving case has been investigated and sent for prosecution, and the prosecution’s decision is expected to be available before Christmas. The case is a confession case, and Northug has acknowledged the circumstances for which he is charged.
