Herbjørn Hansson, Daily News 18 | The debate on the tax haven between Kaski and Hansson could be a new mega hit


“She says there are some burglary holes,” said the owner. High temperature in the tax havens debate: it could quickly become a new YouTube hit.

– I don’t know, shipowner Herbjørn Hansson, one of the wealthiest people in Norway, said when faced with allegations that the Cayman Islands archipelago is being used to hide wealth in the debate with SV tax spokesman Kaski .

The two were brought to Dagsnytt 18 by NRK to debate whether Nicolai Tangen’s fund investments in the Cayman Islands may be problematic in the role of oil fund manager. The debate was lively, and Songar soon returned to Nyheitane, who was behind the concert’s success with Erna Solberg’s handshake tab, “Oops-app app app app”.

Also read: The Norwegian shipowner was close to the former Trump minister. Now he believes that the world will receive surprises from the United States.

SV leader Audun Lysbakken previously stated that “there was no need for nuance” when it came to describing what is known as tax havens, and that Hansson thought it was a terrible thing to say.

In a hectic and sometimes quite amusing debate it became fashionable. The shipowner rejected any criticism of the practice of placing money in places like the Cayman Islands and Jersey.

– Norway is a tax haven, Hansson argued in the debate.

Watch Songar’s full video from News here:

– Join Cayman!

During the debate, he reiterated several times that he has been in the Cayman Islands for 40 years, inviting Kaski to see for himself how good the conditions are.

– You haven’t been there, just read about it in a thick book. Join us, look. But you have to cover the account yourself, the owner said.

Also read: Requires review of the luxury trip by the oil fund manager: – Truly troubling

Hansson noted, among other things, that the Prime Minister of Bermuda sat on Hansson’s own board for 12 years, saying:

– Here it is made of you and your guardians since this was a robbery.

Click the pic to enlarge. THE DEBATE WILL BE A SONG: point guard Herbjørn Hansson and politician SV Kari Elisabeth Kaski broke up on News Day 18. Songar resumed the debate in the News.

THE DEBATE WILL BE A SONG: point guard Herbjørn Hansson and politician SV Kari Elisabeth Kaski broke up on News Day 18. Songar resumed the debate in the News.
Photo: Screenshot / NRK

SV’s Kari Elisabeth Kaski was constantly listening to “what you say is not true” as she tried to describe the problem of lack of transparency regarding the placement of money in tax havens.

“It is notorious harassment what you are doing,” said Hansson.

Also read: Bonanza for father and son Hansson: – It’s a money machine!

– Good for the message!

Kari Elisabeth Kaski is not exactly unknown to the song when we contacted you on Tuesday morning:

– I never thought I would be a participant in such a song. But when it first happened, it was nice that it was so catchy! So I hope it comes. It’s a great new way to get the message out about tax havens, Kari Elisabeth Kaski laughs at Nettavisen.

– How was it to debate with Hansson?

– It was an experience, so to speak. It is not so often that we get shipowners with money deposited in tax havens in the media, so that is good. If we want this to come to life, we need those who use these tax havens to speak. And this debate has contributed well to spreading that message, there is no doubt about it.

Owner Herbjørn Hansson says he likes the song and opts to comment on the debate as follows:

– We must be attentive to the comments of those who do not know and do not know that they do not know, but who believe it.
