Headless man on the outskirts of Paris – VG


A professor died in what is called a beheading in a Paris suburb, French police say. The victim had shown cartoons of Muhammad during the hour, according to AFP.

AFP reported shortly after 6.30 pm on Friday night that a man had been beheaded in a northwestern suburb of Paris.

According to Reuters, French police say the person suspected of the attack was shot dead, but the AFP news agency reports that he is seriously injured.

Le Monde newspaper writes that the police tried to arrest a man with a knife in the neighboring municipality of Eragny after finding the body, and that the man was shot and seriously injured.

Ongoing terrorism investigation

A French police spokesman said the victim of the incident was a high school teacher, writes Reuters.

French police confirmed to the AFP news agency that the murder victim was a teacher and had shown cartoons of Muhammad in class. According to sources at Le Parisien, the teacher showed cartoons in connection with a conference on freedom of expression.

According to the AP, the man was a history teacher and had had a discussion with students about the subject in class.

Reuters writes that the incident took place in the Paris suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine. French police write on Twitter that there is an incident in the area and ask people to stay away.

France’s counterterrorism unit PNAT is investigating the incident, writes Reuters. Police say they are investigating the incident as “a murder linked to a terrorist organization,” according to AFP / NTB / Ritzau.

The Minister of the Interior travels to Paris

According to Le Parisien, the incident took place near a school. Police discovered a suspect holding a kitchen knife, who tried to flee, they write. According to Le Parisien, the man refused to put down his gun and then the police shot him.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, who is traveling to Morocco, will return to Paris immediately after speaking with Prime Minister Jean Castex and President Emmanuel Macron, Darmanin’s office reports, NTB writes.

President Emmanuel Macron will address the scene, according to Le Figaro.

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