He protested against Trump’s first choice


On Thursday, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee will decide whether Amy Coney Barrett will be nominated as the new judge of the United States Supreme Court.

If she is nominated, the Republican majority in the Senate is expected to approve the nomination.

However, American feminist groups in the United States are concerned that Amy Coney Barrett will restrict women’s access to abortion if she becomes the new judge of the United States Supreme Court.

That’s why thousands of people gathered in Washington DC to protest the candidate on Saturday.

“When we come together and take to the streets, women are the greatest political force in America and there is nothing Donald Trump can do to stop us,” said Rachel O’Leary Carmona, director of the American Women’s March Movement.


In addition to the protests in Washington DC, there were similar protests in several other American cities.

In addition to protesting against Barrett, feminists also protested with the goal of bringing about an American presidential change.

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– Vote for him! If you vote, the message of the protest trains will be heard.

– Women are threatened in a world where a Christian theocracy is close to taking power. The next few weeks will decide so many things for women, said Kelsey Weir, one of thousands of people who had gathered at the protest march in the US capital.


However, the women’s march has met with opposition from the Independent Women’s Forum, a conservative women’s movement in the country.

They showed their support for Barrett with a counter-protest march, also in Washington DC, with the message “I’m with her.”

– The flags of the women’s march with feminism, but that do not really promote equality or opportunities for women. That is why they are now choosing to fight Amy Coney Barrett, who is a qualified candidate for Supreme Court Justice, writes the motion on her website.
