– He needed to be alone – VG


HAUGESUND (VG) Niklas Sandberg missed a penalty kick in the loss to Aalesund on Saturday night. After being replaced, he left the stadium.

When the press gathered in the interview area after Aalesund’s 1-0 victory, it was announced that Haugesund player Niklas Sandberg had left the stadium five minutes before the match ended.

Haugesund’s teammates weren’t very enthusiastic about Sandberg’s departure from Haugesund Stadium before the deal ended.

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– He is cursed for missing the penalty, but the best can happen. He deserves our support after the foul, but he also has to accept that this is not right. You don’t leave the rest of the team out there, so tomorrow there will be another juicy fine for “Nikky”, says Velde about the situation and adds:

– We’re a team. We lose and win together. Sticking is a bit childish, but we have to support it in the best possible way.

Kongshavn was emotional after the win against Haugesund:

Fredrik Pallesen Knudsen is clear in his speech.

– Is not acceptable. We have to bring that inside. Understandably, you are not happy with yourself, even if it is the criminal situation you are thinking about.

– Too bad he left

Some time after the game, VG contacted Sandberg by phone. He says he needed time alone.

– It’s frustration. I couldn’t bear it. I know it was my fault and I couldn’t bear to sit in the locker room listening to others that it wasn’t my fault, she tells VG.

He also says that the penalty should actually have been placed high, but that the ball slipped off the foot when the shot came.

LEFT STADIUM: Niklas Sandberg was unhappy after being replaced. Photo: Jan Kåre Ness, NTB

– Do you regret leaving?

– No, everyone reacts differently. I needed some time for myself. There was, and is, a lot of frustration. I felt like I was broke for the team, says the 25-year-old.

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FKH coach Jostein Grindhaug would like Sandberg to stay after the match, and if they knew he was dating they would have stopped him.

– We are united by that. It’s a shame he left, because we all benefit from feeling support and sharing disappointments and cheers together. No one is a scapegoat and we must support him.

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