He lobbied the US FHI.


Experts have been concerned about the political impact of the processes related to the vaccine and covid-19 drugs in the United States.

Dagbladet has previously written about how Politico reported that the Health Ministry has influenced the work with weekly reports to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which corresponds to the National Institute of Public Health.

Avisa claimed that politically employed communications advisers at the Health Ministry demanded permission to review and propose changes to the CDC’s weekly reports.

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FHI Chief Physician Punishes US

Two page email

The New York Times is now referring to new emails that it claims reveal new details about the Ministry of Health’s relationship with the US FHI.

According to the newspaper, Michael Caputo, communications manager for the Health Ministry, and his assistant refused to accept the CDC’s statement and tried to pressure the CDC to remain silent.

On June 30, the aide wrote a two-page email criticizing an interview Anne Schuchat, one of the CDC’s deputy directors, had given him, according to the newspaper.

U.S: A former Pence adviser is now staunchly opposed to the president’s work on the crown pandemic. Video: AP / Republican Voters Against Trump / NTB SCANPIX
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“Shame the president”

In an interview with The Journal of the American Medical Association, Schuchat allegedly asked Americans to wear masks, warning “they had too much virus across the country.”

The aide at the Health Ministry, for his part, is said to have thought he knew more about the coronavirus, writing that “Schuchat’s goal was to embarrass the president,” according to the newspaper, which refers to multiple emails.

RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMUNICATION: Michael Caputo at the Ministry of Health. Photograph: J. Scott Applewhite / AP / NTB scanpix.
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According to the newspaper, the aide called Schuchat “doubtful” in the email he sent to his boss, Michael R. Caputo.

Sent to the head of the CDC

In the letter, the newspaper claims that the assistant also asked the boss to “remind Schuchat that thousands of Americans died while working with the swine flu outbreak in 2009.”

The email is also said to have been forwarded to CDC Director Robert Redfield.

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Motsier Health Spike: – Confused

Avisa claims that this is one of several emails that have illustrated how Caputo and his assistant have tried to force CDC spokesmen to remain silent and challenge the basis for the statements of CDC leaders.

Avisa also claims that Caputo has criticized the CDC’s communications department on several occasions. Both for not answering on time and for giving interviews to the “wrong” media. The chief of communications is also said to have asked the CDC for an answer on who at the CDC approved the interviews between National Public Radio (NPR) and the CDC.

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Respond to accusations

A spokesman for the Caputo department said the approvals for the interviews were to ensure that the CDC “followed protocols dating from previous administrations that require the department to prepare interview requests for health personnel,” according to the newspaper.

Neither the CDC nor Caputo themselves have wanted to comment on the information in this case, according to The New York Times.

On Tuesday, Politico reported that Caputo, as a result of the revelations, has complained to employees of the Health Ministry for directing negative attention to the handling of COVID-19 by the Trump administration. Earlier this week, Caputo took a two-month sick leave from his job as a communications manager for the US Department of Health.

The aide, who has now left the ministry, in turn told The Globe and Mail that he “is better at sifting through data than agency investigators.”

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The United States blocks TikTok


– If the report in Politico is correct, it appears that the United States government is forcing the CDC to change its advice to adapt to the president’s perception of reality or his decisions, said the chief physician of the National Institute of Public Health, Preben Aavitsland, to the possible involvement of the Dagbladet Ministry of Health in the CDC. weekly reports.

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Email Reveals: Fallen Face Mask for Everyone

– Most people who work with infection control around the world, consult the professional advice of the CDC, that is, our sister institute in the US Now we do not know if these tips have been modified to please the president. This is completely destructive to the credibility of the CDC, he continued.

Concerns about CDC independence have risen as President Donald Trump has spoken out against statements by CDC chief Redfield about when a vaccine will be ready for most people. At the same time, the United States is approaching 200,000 deaths per crown.
