– He kicked me in the “ass” from the television production – VG


THE EMOTIONAL BURDEN: Tove Moss Lohne (left) and Lene Egeland Hogstad were in tears after the latter lost Sunday’s “Farmen” match. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

The repatriated “Farmen” participant (44) needed a “pep talk” after being chosen second champion. Now he dreads seeing the crucial moment on television. – I was so desperate, she says.

The third week of “Farmen” ended, and on Sunday it became clear that it was Lene Egeland Hogstad from Kvanvik who had to leave the farm, after losing the duel in the milk team against his friend Tove Moss Lohne (35). The 44-year-old returnee tells VG that she somehow asked the first fighter to pick her for the match.

– I was not very surprised when they chose me as the second champion. I put the words in his mouth a bit, because I have a lot of affection for Tove. The others are so strong and good, and I knew how much Tove wanted to keep going. That’s why I told him that he shouldn’t be afraid to choose me, that he shouldn’t be sorry. But at the same time I told him I would give him a tough fight, says Egeland.

Put this on? “Farmen” contestant Sanna Khursheed reacts to clip that was not shown on TV:

The “farm” participant, who works as a babysitter on a daily basis, had practiced holding buckets of milk before the recording began, and after being able to keep the buckets at home for nine minutes, she knew it was a branch that she mastered well. In Sunday’s game, however, he “only” managed to retain the teams for just over four minutes.

– I tried Tove to win this. But then I got a little nagging sermon, the production told me I had to give it my all. The “scolding sermon” may not be entirely correct, but it is a good motivational speech, a kick in the “ass” of the television production. But in the end it was me who smoked anyway. It was a real mistake, I was able to hold out for a long time with the buckets. But suddenly I heard a little sip and thought “No”! So sorry.

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– What did the production tell you beforehand?

– They said that I was one of the 9,000 applicants in this program and that “We need you here, come back.” I have everything I need, a house, a car, children and a husband, while Tove is young, wants things, and desperately wanted to go far. I treated her so much that it was a bit difficult for me to fight her. But I needed him to kick me, really. But I’m scared to see it on TV, there were a lot of tears, says Egeland when VG spoke to her on Friday morning.

She adds:

– But I’m glad that the “flower” continued, even though I did everything I could to get back to the farm.

HARD BATTLE: Lene Egeland Hogstad tried with all his might, but in the end he had to give up in Sunday’s duel. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

After the duel, the 44-year-old now enters the lateral competition «Torpet». He does not hide the fact that it was difficult for him to leave the other participants.

– I was so desperate, and a wave of emotions flowed over me. I had told myself that I would not swear on television, but I did. I think I said “fuck”. It was very disappointing, a roller coaster of emotions. I am disappointed in my own efforts, but happy on behalf of Tove. It was good that he lost to her.

GOOD FRIENDS: Lene Egeland Hogstad and Tove Moss Lohne are good friends. On Sunday they learned that one of them had to go. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

The recording of “Farmen” ended last Sunday, and Lene Egeland Hogstad thinks it was great to see her husband Jan-Magne Hogstad (48) again, as well as their children Ine (25) and Mia (21).

– That was incredible. She at least said “finally”! They encouraged me a lot and were glad I had it so well. When they see me on TV, they say “Mom, you are yourself all the time.” It’s a bit cozy I think. They stood with flags and greeted me when I got home by train. It was absolutely wonderful. “You’re crazy, there were a lot of tears,” the “Farmen” contestant tells VG.

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