He does not like Trump, but does not rule out voting for him – VG


“No More Nonsense”: Joe Artmont holds up a Trump bandage with the text “Trump 2020 – No More Nonsense.” Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA (VG) The crown crisis has hit father of five Joe Artmont (38) hard. That’s why he sells Trump’s effects even though he says he hates the president.

– Am I a Trump supporter? No, but I love money. Haha …

Around a bend along Highway 309, north of the small Pennsylvania town of Wilkes-Barre, there is a small trailer in a roadside parking lot. You can barely see it before you have passed, but it is still unavoidable to notice.

The trailer is open on the long side. There are rows of T-shirts with Trump slogans. Two large cardboard figures are placed at one end. One of Donald Trump and his wife Melania. One where Donald Trump’s head is mounted on “Rambo’s” body.

Of course, the famous Make America Great Again caps are there too. Both in classic red and camouflage colors. And these days, and although the president himself is not in the habit of wearing them, there are several different Trump masks on the counter. “Trump 2020: No More Nonsense,” says in one.

– But all the shit comes out of his mouth. I’m so sick of it, says Joe Artmont as he shows VG the aforementioned mic.

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Ble for crown

In fact, we stopped to speak with a Trump voter. We assumed that the man who stood by the road and sold all these Trump effects supported the president. But Artmont says he has entirely different motives.

– I have too many children not to earn money. I have five daughters and even a granddaughter. I have to take care of the family, says the man, who is only 38 years old, and strikes with his arms.

He had a job in an industrial company in the district. Then came the coronavirus. Shortly after came the dismissal. The employer lost income and could no longer afford to keep all employees. For the almost toothless man, who already had bad advice, it was a crisis to lose his job. In such a situation, one should take advantage of the opportunities that arise.

PREVIEW: Joe Artmont sells Trump effects to supporters of the president. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– He could just as easily have sold Biden’s effects. It would be exactly the same for me.

He is not the owner of the simple business, but at least he has a salary to look forward to again.

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27 million Americans out of work

The corona virus has affected the American population more strongly than anywhere else in the world. More than 190,000 people have lost their lives and nearly 6.4 million Americans have been confirmed to be infected with the virus, the VG summary shows.

The pandemic has put an incredible number out of commission and the economy is suffering.

Artmont is not the only one who has lost his job. Every week since this summer, one million newly unemployed Americans have filed for unemployment benefits. In the worst case, 27 million Americans received unemployment benefits.

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The federal government responded with a $ 2.2 trillion crisis package, allowing people to pay rent and make necessary purchases. Trump issued a presidential order to defer taxes and extend unemployment benefits for victims of the crown. Now, the arrows have started to gradually point upward, with slightly fewer claims for unemployment benefits each week and a larger number of people returning to work.

Do not reject Trump’s vote

The crown pandemic and the economic situation will be crucial issues in the electoral campaign.

Despite the hatred against Trump, Artmont says that, in fact, he may still be voting for the incumbent president in November.

– In 2016, I voted for Hillary Clinton. She was the lesser of two evils. Now I want to see the upcoming television debates, to find out more about what Joe Biden stands for. Especially when it comes to the healthcare system and the coronavirus, and I want to know what it will do for our military forces.

PAPER FIGURES: Donald Trump and his wife Melania and Donald Trump as “Rambo.” Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Perhaps no wonder those things mean something to the salesperson who not only lost his job and health insurance to the coronavirus, but also says his wife’s brother was killed in Iraq.

He’s not impressed with what he’s heard on the news lately about what Donald Trump is said to have said about people in the military.

– The world went downhill after Trump took office. I wish Barack Obama was still president. I think he did a good job. I can’t really think of anything I like about Trump.

– But how can you then consider voting for him?

– Because I still don’t know enough about Biden. And I’ll vote anyway, concludes Artmont.

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