He died during the attack on Congress: –


On Wednesday, Trump supporters stormed the United States Congress as they approved the results of the presidential election more than two months ago.

One of those involved in the attack was Ashli ​​Babbitt. The police shot him in the upper body. He later died from his injuries.

The fatal shot was captured on video by John Sullivan, 26. Millions have seen the clip.

Sullivan tells the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that the gunshot hit Babbitt just below the collarbone.

The video shows a close-up of his face.

“I understood that he was dying,” Sullivan told the newspaper.

– sad

– It’s sad to witness his death. I really understand that a lot of people are angry after the incident and I really feel upset, he says.

In the video you can see a group of people trying to get through a door inside the building.

The photos show armed police trying to stop the crowd.

- Snowball chance in hell

– Snowball chance in hell

– The police could have detained her other than with lethal violence, she was not really particularly aggressive, says Sullivan.

Jump out the window

Trump supporters were armed with invaded shields and flags in every way possible. In the dramatic minutes, people could be seen climbing up the facade of the building.

Sullivan himself entered through broken glass.

This is to blame: - Toxic situation

This is to blame: – Toxic situation

– People ran randomly and looked in different offices, but I saw a group that seemed to have a goal. They wanted to try to get into the Senate chamber, so I followed them, he tells the newspaper.

It was in the hallway outside this chamber that the shot fell.

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I’m not a Trump supporter

Sullivan told the newspaper that he was not a Trump supporter, but that he entered the congress building to document the attack.

– This is historical and I wanted to show exactly what is happening in the country right now. Who else was going to capture that on film? Now many Trump supporters say I’m a left-wing extremist who infiltrated them in some way, Sullivan says.


The “shaman” who led Trump’s mafia

Since Wednesday it has been claimed that the violence and attack were sparked by left-wing extremists who had infiltrated Trump supporters. No evidence has yet been presented in this regard.

However, it has been established that several members of the far-right groups and supporters of extreme conspiracy theories were present, including “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli.
