– He considered the disease as an “unforgivable weakness”


The US presidential election is fast approaching, and apparently President Donald Trump is very keen on showing voters and supporters that he is doing well and still working, despite being hospitalized.

On Friday morning Norwegian time, the president confirmed that he and first lady Melania had tested positive for COVID-19, and that same night he was admitted to Walter Reed Military Hospital.

So far, the president’s niece, Mary Trump, has been silent on the admission. This summer he made headlines when he wrote the book “Too Much and Never Enough. How my family created the most dangerous man in the world.

THE “REAL” SCHOOL: President Donald Trump says he went to the royal school and found out about the coronavirus. Video: @realdonaldtrump
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In a new interview with NPR, Niesa claims that members of the Trump family have viewed the illness as “a show of inexcusable weakness.” It says that Donald Trump and her father Fred allegedly considered the disease “unacceptable.”

“That is why America is in the terrible place we are in, because it cannot admit the weakness of being sick or that other people are sick,” says Mary Trump.

The United States is hard hit by the coronavirus, with more than seven million infected and more than 200,000 virus-related deaths. The president and the administration have received much criticism for their handling of the crisis.

Aunt on a new audio recording: - Ivanka is Mini-Donald

Aunt on a new audio recording: – Ivanka is Mini-Donald

Mary Trump says her grandfather, Fred Sr., was “never” ill, until later in life he suffered from Alzheimer’s.

“Between that and my grandfather’s dedication to Norman Vincent Peales’ ‘the power of positive thinking’, he took it to such an extreme level that it was toxic, because it did not allow the expression of what he considered negativity of any kind, she says .and mentions sadness, despair, and physical illness.

He claims that Fred senior did not “tolerate” his wife, who suffered from osteoporosis, showing pain if, for example, she received treatment at home.

– He wanted to say “everything is fine, everything is fine” and leave the room, he says, adding that it was worse with his father, who was an alcoholic and died in the 80s.

MORE WORK: The White House sent two photos of US President Donald Trump on Saturday night.
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– Child abuse

Mary Trump also mentioned her grandmother’s illness in the book, where she also claimed that Trump was subjected to child abuse.

– Child abuse is, to some extent, a matter of “too much” or “not enough”. Donald’s mother became ill when he was two and a half years old. It suddenly deprived her of her most important source of comfort and human contact. His father, Fred, became the only available father. But Fred firmly believed that it was not his job to take care of young children and continued his “twelve hours a day, six days a week” job at Trump Management, as if his children could take care of themselves, Mary writes. Trump in the excerpt at the end of the book.

She believes that the father neglected the children.

Before the release, the editor described how Mary Trump uses her experience as a psychologist to analyze “a nightmare of trauma, destructive relationships and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse” and the “strange and damaging relationship” between her late father, Fred Junior, and Donald Trump.

His other uncle, Robert Trump, tried to stop in court. But in the end, a New York court ruled that the niece could publish the book.

Too much, even for Trump

Too much, even for Trump

– In good recovery

It is not yet clear when Trump may be released from Walter Reed Hospital outside Washington, but doctors said Sunday his condition has improved and he could return to the White House on Monday, which has all the medical equipment it needs. needs to.

– The president’s condition has continued to improve. As with all illnesses, it tends to be ups and downs, said his doctor Sean Conley.

Just hours earlier, Trump’s doctors had said that his blood oxygen saturation had dropped dramatically twice in recent days and that they were giving him a steroid treatment normally only recommended for very sick patients.

Conley said that her oxygen saturation, which should normally be between 95 and 100 percent, dropped to 93 percent while she had a high fever, once on Friday and once through Saturday.

Doctors said nothing about whether there are signs of pneumonia or other damage to the lungs.

TRIUMPH: Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, said Sunday, September 4, that Trump has had oskygen levels drop twice. He also tried to explain why he didn’t say anything about this the day before.
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Credibility problem

Conley’s statements were in sharp contrast to the optimistic picture he was trying to paint of the situation on Saturday.

This has been two days of confusing and contradictory reports on the health of the president from the White House, who already has a credibility problem, which casts doubt on whether Trump’s doctors give the public a correct picture of the severity of the condition.

When journalists confronted Conley with conflicting information, he admitted that he had tried to give an optimistic picture of the situation that reflected the optimism of the doctors.

Call this a fade

Call this a fade

He admitted that it might then appear that they were trying to hide something, something that he said was not the case.

This spring, long before the president was infected, Conley is reported to have told colleagues that he felt intense personal pressure in his job as the president’s physician, according to the Washington Post.

Furthermore, the newspaper writes that someone who has worked with Conley believes that the statements he has given appear to be dictated by politics.

– Every statement you make appears to be political, dictated by the White House or the president. These are not statements made by a doctor, says an anonymous source.
