Has proposed $ 47.6 billion more in taxes and fees – VG


FREEDOM – FRP leader Siv Jensen leaving her office in the Storting, where a tax war has started against SP and Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. Photo: Harald Henden, VG

Siv Jensen promised that he would draw up a tax policy on Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. Instead, it accuses Sp of having proposed increases in the past five years totaling NOK 47.6 billion.

– I announced in my speech at the national meeting that I would return to Trygve this week, and that is what I do now at VG, says Siv Jensen.

“Has it occurred to you that you picked the wrong team?” she flirted from the pulpit.

But the desire to establish a close relationship could have been formulated in a more romantic way than what she is dating now:

– Trygve sails under the false flag!


When VG met Siv Jensen in his office on Wednesday, he came in lieu of kind words and compliments with a fierce attack on his perhaps biggest competitor for votes.

And the usually talkative and commenting Vedum found no opportunity to comment on Siv Jensen’s figures and interview VG for nearly two days.

– Vedum is very concerned about accusing us of not complying with fiscal policy. So I have taken the liberty of reviewing Sp’s alternative state budgets from 2015 to 2020. And I calculated that during those years they have proposed NOK 47.5 billion tax and duty increases!

The general agreement of the SP leader with Sylvi Listhaug and Siv Jensen

His speech at the national assembly last weekend was devoted in large part to Sp.

Doesn’t dispute numbers

Sp does not deny that the FRP figures on them are correct for each individual budget year, but believes it is misleading to add them together. Sp rejects the way the FRP has made the calculations “hopeless” and “pointless” and Jensen’s initiative as “unplanned.”

DISAPPOINTED: Siv Jensen believes that Trygve Slagsvold Vedum should choose the bourgeois side and the Frp if the party really wants lower taxes, not Labor. Photo: Harald Henden, VG

– Trygve got really tall and tan at my expense this weekend, and was knocked out for cross-border trade and prices, among other things, but in his own alternative budget there are drastic adjustments. Trygve is at the door because he says a lot of things that sound great, when giving interviews and traveling, but then you have to look at what he and Sp really do. And what’s on your program. Sp works systematically to sharpen the tax burden in this country.

– Do you mean that Slagsvold Vedum leads voters behind the light?

Increase taxes on alcohol

– I mean Trygve sails under a false flag. Says one thing, does another. They put forward proposals at the Storting that I think they prefer not to talk so much about. During those years, they have tabled proposals to dramatically increase taxes on alcohol. Tobacco taxes. Fuel taxes. Reintroduction of the tax on boat engines. They have proposed adjusting airfares, they have proposed sharpening the single rate on cars. Plus a major tightening of customs, says Jensen.

In particular, it accuses Trygve of not wanting to lower fees that could prevent people from buying from Harry in Sweden.

Good for Sweden

– The truth behind these figures is actually a policy that the Swedish authorities should love. Because this is zero contribution to achieve something with cross border trade. Sp makes Norwegian food as expensive as possible. The consequence of this is that those who have less itch more. And perhaps especially in the districts, where the distance to the Swedish border in many places is quite long. These are people who have to dig deep into their wallets if Sp’s tax and fee increases are adopted.

Siv and Sylvi on Trygve’s FRP deal: – Completely wild

These are the figures Frp’s numerical analysts have given VG after studying Sp’s own budget proposals, and they are net increases in taxes and fees combined:

2020: 2.774 billion

2019: 2.558 billion

2018: 6.040 billion

2017: 7.916 billion

2016: 14.612 billion

2015: 13,674 billion

Total: 47,574 billion.

– This is the story of Sp in the last five years. Our history in the years that we have been in government is a net relief of NOK 24 billion, total taxes and fees. If you just look at the Labor Party figures for 2020, they suggest a relief of almost NOK 10 billion. And that’s what the SP party would like to cooperate with in government, says Jensen.

More important

Here are the top tariff and tax breaks while the FRP was in government from 2013 to January of this year, according to Jensen:

** Elimination of inheritance tax.

** Suspension of the boat’s motor fee.

** Reduced single rate on the car.

** Tax relief on wealth.

** Personal tax relief.

– If he thinks that it is prudent to make a relief in the area of ​​taxes and duties, then he will not be able to do it with the parties with whom he intends to cooperate. You can only do this if you cooperate with us, but now you have declined in cash. Then we know! So Sp can talk all he wants about relief, but the truth is that they consistently advocate a tougher and cooperate with the parties that will fund all of their electoral promises by increasing taxes and fees, he says.

GARAGE MEETING: Sp leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Frp leader Siv Jensen met in the Storting garage just after Frp left Erna Solberg’s government in January this year. Photo: Trond Solberg, VG

– Creative

Although it took Trygve Slagsvold Vedum two days to respond to Jensen’s attack, he categorically rejects the entire way Frp has stated the mathematics:

– That is the most creative calculation I have come across. If you had chosen to use the same logic, we could say that a traveler from Hamar to Oslo with our tax regime for the last six or seven years receives NOK 6,700 less in taxes per year. Thus, we could say that with our scheme, this traveler will receive almost 40,000 less in taxes next year. And that’s nonsense. Complete nonsense.

– But is it true that you get it in five years?

– A little scary

– Yes, but it’s still silly. This is a bit scary. I learned that the name of the Minister of Finance has been Siv Jensen for seven years. And if after six and a half years in the Ministry of Finance you didn’t learn to calculate better than this, then I understand why you thought it was exhausting to be the Minister of Finance. Today we had a measurement of 16 percent in Vårt Land and one in Dagbladet of 18 percent. So we could sell that today Sp had 34 percent of the measures. I may be rude, but I’m not that rude, says Vedum.

– It is not completely unknown in politics to calculate in this way: for example, what is calculated how much in total the richest have avoided paying in wealth tax during the period of bourgeois government?

– No plan!

– Yes, but if we look at our tax plan for this year: we have had a lower tax level than that recommended by the FRP in the government, but then we have received more taxes. And in short, there was little difference with the government this year. Why is this coming here now? He said from the National Assembly rostrum that he would hear from her during the week. Something with courtship. But then she didn’t have any plans! Just big, empty words. He said he should take the lead with us, and then he didn’t. And to answer that, she makes this up.

– Do you live this document as a courtship?

Public relations trick

– No. He seems desperate. And not planned. She was more concerned with stamping. This is a public relations trick. Turn. This is a gimmick of the communications industry. And then they have not fully thought about the matter. Everyone had the impression that Siv should take the initiative. But those were just words.

– Do you think Siv Jensen is dishonest?

– No, politics are not always brilliant gentlemen. But it is a waste of time.

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