Hardly: – They knew


Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris is in Phoenix for an election campaign event. The Biden-Harris campaign has had several public meetings in the form of a drive-in, meaning all people sit in their cars during the event. So will it be in Phoenix tonight.

Just before the event starts, Harris announces on Twitter that she has pop star Alicia Keys with her. The two take the stage just before an hour in Norway, for the Alicia Keys song “Girl on Fire.”

Harris talks about the corona pandemic, among other things, referring to Bob Woodward’s book which in September revealed that President Donald Trump toned down the severity earlier this year.

– It didn’t have to be so bad, says Harris and continues:

– They were informed that it was five times more deadly than the flu. They were informed that it could harm people of any age. They were informed that it was in the air. What did they do with that information? They sat on it, covered it, Harris says.

– They knew, she says.

USE YOUR VOICE: Obama spoke in Florida to get people to vote in advance and ensure that Trump is not re-elected.
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The United States is very affected by the coronavirus. At the time of writing, the country has recorded more than 8.8 million cases of infection and more than 227,000 deaths related to the virus.

Harris also talks about former President Barack Obama’s health care reform, Obamacare, which President Donald Trump wants to abolish. After Trump’s election to the vacant Supreme Court seat, conservative Amy Coney Barrett, was passed, Democrats fear health care reform is in jeopardy.

– They’re trying to get rid of him. I just have to say that even when he ran for office, it was clear that this man had a strange obsession with trying to get rid of whatever Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, Harris says of Trump.

– But here’s the thing, Phoenix. We don’t want presidents who have strange obsessions, do we? He says as the public responds “no.”

SUPERSTAR: Alicia Keys delivered a speech and introduced Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris. AP Photo / Matt York
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It was Alicia Keys who introduced Harris. He recalled that elections are six days away and encouraged everyone to vote.

– If you told me last year that I would be here on October 28, 2020, if you told me two years ago that I would be here with a lot of cars in Phoenix, Arizona, with a woman who will be the first and the next Vice President of the States United, I would say “yes, why not. I can see”.

Also, the pop star said that she is open to change, and that change is good and necessary.

– That’s why we’re all here. But changing the status quo is hard work.

SAY NO THANKS: – Yes Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us we should take it, I will be the first in line, absolutely. But if Donald Trump asks us to take it, I won’t take it, says Kamala Harris.
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– We vote to show our children that we do everything possible to build a safer, safer, brighter and more just world for them. In light of the covidity and racial injustice of the past four years, we have forgotten what it feels like to be happy warriors.

– Now I have the great honor of introducing you to the original happy warrior, he said and laughed.

– The brilliant and compassionate leader who works tirelessly to unite Americans. The next Vice President of the United States, Senator Kamala Harris, said Keys and gave the floor to Harris.
