Hammerfest introduces hospital admissions: patients are sent to other hospitals – VG


ADMISSION STOP: Finnmark Hospital in Hammerfest has an admission stop to reduce the risk of infection, they say Friday night. Photo: Finnmark Hospital

Finnmark Hospital further strengthens infection control measures at Hammerfest and implements a temporary suspension of hospitalization at Hammerfest Hospital.

– The above measures have not had as good an effect as expected, so they are further toughened to reduce the spread of infection, the hospital writes in a press release.

Hammerfest Hospital is on red alert after four patients and 19 employees were confirmed infected.

At least 120 employees are in quarantine.

Communications manager Eirik Palm informs VG that the hospital is not full:

– We have an admission stop to reduce the risk of infection, says communications manager Eirik Palm to VG.

At a press conference via Skype on Friday night, Siri Tau Ursin, director of Finnmark Hospital, says they will “largely empty the hospital.”

The hospital expects to have a test result for all employees by Tuesday of next week.

PRESS CONFERENCE: Finnmark Hospital invited to a press conference on Friday night via Skype chat platform. Photo: SCREEN DOWNLOAD

– Challenging

When asked how the outbreak occurred and if anything could have been done to further limit it at an earlier stage, Anne Mette Asfeldt, chief infection control physician at Finnmark Hospital, responds:

– There is a growing incidence of covid-19 throughout the community. It will not be easy to say which is the first case. Many infected people have few or no symptoms. Then the virus has spread in the hospital, which is a place where many people meet and work together. A hospital is a place that presents a challenge for the spread of disease.

FHI has been to Hammerfest, according to Asfeldt, and will analyze samples from those who tested positive to investigate whether the variant of the virus at Hammerfest is similar to variants seen in other parts of the country, for example Trondheim.

Affected patients will be notified

All planned activity at Hammerfest Hospital will stop and all affected patients will be notified.

Two additional ambulance planes will be stationed in Finnmark. Also, the car ambulance service in West Finnmark can be serviced on short notice.

  • Hammerfest Hospital receives acute patients for stabilization before their subsequent transport to other treatment sites, primarily Alta, Kirkenes and UNN Tromsø.
  • Pregnant women who have planned a delivery at Hammerfest will be cared for by Kirkenes or UNN. · Emergency admissions to the pediatric ward are sent to UNN-Tromsø.
  • For admissions to gynecology, orthopedic surgery, and internal medicine services, the appropriate hospital will be assessed in each individual case.
  • Outpatient activity at Hammerfest is gradually ending. Patients are contacted with other scheduled outpatient activities.
  • Cancer research and treatment move to other treatment sites.
  • Anyone in need of medical attention is encouraged to get in touch.

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