Halvor Egner Granerud, Hopp | Failure in Innsbruck for Granerud. He realized something was wrong even before he left the jumping edge.


He did not applaud Halvor Egner Granerud at Bergiselbakken either on the track or in the air.

The Norwegian star led the jumping week overall before Sunday’s race in Innsbruck, but had to give up the lead when he finished in a disappointing 15th place.

The race was destroyed for Granerud already in the first half when he landed at just 116.5 meters.

The Norwegian jumped in the final round but is now in third place in the jump week summary, 20.6 points behind Polish leader Kamil Stoch.

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Worst speed

There were several factors that influenced the race on Sunday and even before leaving the jump limit, Granerud knew that not everything was as it should be.

The results lists show that the Norwegian on both laps at 86.1 and 86.7 km / h had the worst speed of all the jumpers who reached the last lap.

Several noted the low numbers of Granerud, also the leadership of the national team.

National team coach Alexander Stöckl confirms to Nettavisen that Granerud felt he was not entirely on board on the race.

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Stöckl explains that it is probably due to the Bergiselbakken track and the way Granerud traverses the top.

– It is a sign that you are driving so you hit the side walls more than usual.

– The side walls of the track create a little more friction. So a small mistake Halvor makes has a bigger impact in Innsbruck than other tracks, Stöckl tells Nettavisen.

Granerud himself says in an interview published by Hopplandslaget in Twitter you felt it stopped.

– There’s something up there on the track that I get stuck on. Also sorry, it stops, says Granerud.

Heavy conditions

However, the national team coach Stöckl believes that Granerud, despite poor speed, jumped well enough to win.

The problem, however, was that the conditions became too difficult for the Norwegian, while, among others, the winner Kamil Stoch experienced the opposite.

– When there is a headwind at the jump and you are completely dead down the hill, then you have no chance in Innsbruck. We have seen this in various jumpers for many years. It is always the terrain that separates the most and that can kill opportunities for someone in the lead, says Stöckl.

However, the coach of the Norway team will not blame anyone and believes that Sunday’s decline is due only to bad luck.

– That’s why it’s so disappointing. You feel like he and everyone around him have done everything they can to make this go right, but then you get hit by a hill and the conditions on that hill. It’s very uncomfortable, says Stöckl clearly disappointed.

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Disappointed was also the main character himself.

– It’s a shitty day, says Granerud.

Must beat the experienced Stoch

Now there is only the decisive fourth race in Bischofshofen of this year’s show jumping week left.

Granerud has long been the big favorite, but Pole Stoch is now very well positioned to secure his third overall winner of show jumping week.

Stöckl believes that the Polish superstar’s experience speaks in his favor, but is confident that Granerud will be able to give him a fight.

– Halvor is very disappointed today and maybe a little tomorrow. I should have a good run for air. Then it’s ready for Bischofshofen, says Stöckl.

Qualifying will be organized first in Bischofshofen on Tuesday, before the decisive race on Wednesday.


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