Guess the correct password for Donald Trump’s Twitter account


Britain’s The Guardian retells the story of the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, about security expert Victor Gevers who last week guessed Donald Trump’s Twitter password – again!

Gevers first pulled off the trick was in 2016, when Trump’s password was “yourefired,” Donald Trump’s well-known catchphrase from the television series “The Apprentice.” Four years later, Gevers wanted to retest Donald Trump’s computer security.

This time, the password was “maga2020,” short for Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again 2020.”

Gevers guessed the correct password on the fifth try.

-I thought they would block me after four attempts, Gevers tells De Volkskrant.

– Why doesn’t Twitter require stronger passwords? If I can access your account, other countries can too, notes the Dutch security expert, reproduced in The Independent.

Facsimile of the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant Photo: Screenshot

Facsimile of the top case in the De Volkskrant newspaper on Thursday.

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“Ethical hacker”

Donald Trump’s Twitter account has more than 87 million followers. With the account password, Gevers could write whatever he wanted on behalf of the most powerful man in the world.

But the cybersecurity expert tried to inform Trump’s campaign team and sent Twitter messages in which he tagged, among others, the CIA, FBI and Twitter to draw attention to the security breach. Only two days later the Secret Service was contacted, writes de Volkskrant.

Meanwhile, a two-step security check was put in place to log into Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

Victor Gevers calls himself an “ethical hacker” and works for a database that maps the security and vulnerability of data in open systems.

In July, the Twitter accounts of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Kanye West, and Elon Musk, among others, were affected by hacker attacks. As a result, Twitter was called to the carpet by the United States Senate to answer for its security routines.

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