Grim milestone reached: – People will be talking about this for decades to come.


– We haven’t experienced anything like this in over 102 years, when the flu pandemic hit the country in 1918. People will talk about this for decades to come. “This is a terrible historical milestone in the history of this country,” the president’s chief medical adviser for health, Anthony Fauci, told CNN on Sunday.

The actual number of deaths per corona, the US health authorities have said, is likely significantly higher than 500,000. It has been announced that President Joe Biden will mark the grim milestone for the week.

– It really is a terrible situation that we have gone through and in which we are still in the middle. That is why we continue to insist on infection control measures. We want to prevent it from getting worse, Fauci says.

The United States is without equal the country that has registered more cases of infection and death by corona during the pandemic.

At the time of writing, the country has recorded more cases of infection than India, Brazil, and Russia combined. These countries are the ones with the most recorded cases in the world after the US, according to the Worldometer summary.

Getting better

But after the United States began vaccinating the population on a large scale, the number of infections in the country has slowly but surely declined.

On Sunday, Fauci was able to say that his infection curve in the country is no longer so steep.

– The infection curve is going down and it’s fantastic. The curve drops steeply, and it does so very, very fast, he told NBC News on Sunday.

KORONA: President Biden's top crown adviser says the infection trend in the country is slowing, but they are far from over

KORONA: President Biden’s top crown adviser says the country’s infection trend is slowing, but they are nowhere near the goal Photo: Patrick Semansky / AP / NTB

He still fears that it will soon emerge again.

– We are still at a very high level of contagion. What I don’t want to see is people looking at the infection situation and thinking, ‘Wow, we’re out of the storm. Now it is going well », because we are not here. The number of daily infections is still very high, Fauci says.

Vaccine on conveyor belt

Before Christmas, President Joe Biden promised that more than 100 million Americans would be vaccinated during the first 100 days of his presidency.

To date, more than 43.6 million Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Of these, 18.9 million have been vaccinated, according to CDC figures.

Thus, it can be said that Biden and the United States are on the right track in terms of the president’s stated goal.

Last week, the president spoke further in the direction that the goal now was to vaccinate all adults by fall, and the doses of the vaccine are being delivered at a high rate.

Over the next six weeks, the United States will receive 145 million new doses of vaccine, and another 200 million doses will be delivered by the end of May, the AP writes.

The winter storm caused a bottleneck

In recent weeks, several southern states in the United States have been affected by unusually cold weather. In the state of Texas in particular, several challenges emerged in that context. Several million were periodically without electricity and in many places there are still problems with the water supply.

It also meant that several vaccination stations, where people from priority groups show up to get vaccinated, had to temporarily close in various locations.

The winter weather first also led to delays in terms of shipping. Paved roads made it difficult to transport vaccines in these areas.

Four major vaccine centers in Louisville. Kentucky and Memphis were thus inaccessible and several doses of vaccine remained in stock.

According to Fauci, one third of the doses that were weather resistant should now be administered.

According to the White House, all postponed vaccinations must be administered by March 1.
