Germany’s lubrication chief threatens to boycott World Cup


German lubrication manager in biathlon Andreas Emslander has no faith that the International Biathlon Federation (IBU) and the International Biathlon Federation (FIS) can enforce the fluoride ban next season.

Now he is warning of the consequences if decision makers do not give a satisfactory answer immediately, with only a couple of months to go to the start of the season.

– We cannot accept the situation as it is at the moment. In the future, we will act in a much more powerful way. In the final analysis, the contests are held without our participation, write to TV 2.

And elaborates:

Riots characterize the biathlon field: Dismantle and pull the trailer

– As long as it has not been clarified who has legal responsibility for a “red ski” (a ski that fails the fluoride test), we will not lubricate any boat before a competition. When it comes to professionals, the association must decide what they want to do. This is something we will discuss in a meeting next week.

No confidence in the test apparatus
This weekend, the FIS and the IBU had to postpone the planned meeting in Germany, where the different nations were to test and challenge the test device that will be used to check if skis have fluoride next season.

The appliance must be able to separate the old fluoride residues from the freshly applied fluoride lubrication. No one knows when, or if, it will be clear.

Professor Matthias Scherge and the technology company Kompass have been given the job of completing the test apparatus, which will ensure a fair running of the competitions under the auspices of FIS and IBU next season.

Anreas Emslander, lubrication manager for the German biathlon team.

Anreas Emslander, lubrication manager for the German biathlon team. Photo: Private.

Andreas Emslander looks sadly at the chances of it happening this season.

– It is obvious that the test device is not working well enough at the moment. We believe that it is impossible to solve the problem in such a short time. If you talk to people with experience developing this type of technology, then the answer is that it will take more than a few months. It’s a few years. The information we have indicates that Mr. Scherge / Kompass will not be able to calibrate the device. The technology they want to use is not suitable for detecting fluoride in skis. Therefore, we will not rely on the test method; there are too many unanswered questions, says the German lubrication manager.

– What makes you say that Scherge and Kompass will not be able to calibrate the device?

– It seems more likely, when you see the process that has been and the postponement of the collection of evidence. So far all requests for face-to-face meeting have been denied. Either that or we won’t get an answer.

Emslander will also know who will guarantee the quality of the device when it is finished.

– Will there be an institute like TÜV? he asks.

TÜV is a technical control body that performs safety checks on technical equipment and approves them.

Matthias Scherge, for his part, assures that the progression in the project is good.

– Next week we will carry out another internal test session, where we will take a closer look at problems such as the calibration of the device. It is complicated, but the work continues with good progress. I’d like to answer your questions in more detail next week, he wrote in an email to TV 2 on Wednesday.

It was a little shock that they decided now

Trace the chaos
The Cross Country Ski World Cup starts on November 27 in Ruka, while the Biathlon World Cup starts the next day in Kontiolahti.

Germany’s lubrication chief has long waited for the fluoride ban to be postponed, if not, he predicts total chaos.

– If the FIS / IBU wants to move on, it will end in chaos. Cheating will be possible, and fluoride under skis means more to an athlete’s performance than doping. I hope you are sensible enough to remove the fluoride ban this season and take the time to work out the issues. What we need is a 100% secure testing method, he says.
