Five people accused of violence against a 16-year-old in Bogerud – VG


SERIOUS EVENT: A child was stabbed in the face with a large knife-like object in the Bogerud subway in Oslo on Thursday. Five people are charged with bodily injury. Photo: Jil Yngland, NTB

The number of people arrested continues to rise after a 16-year-old was stabbed in the face in Oslo on Thursday.

Two more people were arrested Sunday and charged with serious bodily injury. Three minors have already been charged and placed in preventive detention for the same purpose.

The lawyer on duty in the Oslo police district, Geir Wangensten-Øye, will not comment on the age of the two detainees.

– They are not in custody, they are in custody. They have not yet been questioned, he says.

The case is being investigated by the East unit of the Oslo Police, and on Friday the section leader, Terje Bechmann Dahl, said the case was a high priority.

– We will investigate the case over the weekend. The case is a high priority for us, in part because they are minor and it is a serious incident, he said.

Those involved in the incident are young people who have been known to the police before, said the section leader.

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16-year-old stabbed in the face in Oslo – three minors arrested

Hurt face

It was Thursday night that a boy was stabbed in the face with a large knife-like object in the Bogerud subway in Oslo. The police then worked on the basis that there were eight people involved.

– When we got to the place, most of the people had run, there was one left. There are about eight people involved. There were many reports of a machete, ax or large knife, police operations manager Vidar Pedersen told VG on Thursday.

It was first reported that he was seriously injured after the incident, but the extent of the damage was later adjusted to slightly injured.

VG had access to video of the incident, showing multiple people hitting objects and kicking a person lying on the ground, before running from the scene. Several passersby approach the person.

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