Filipino workers on Tom Cruise ships to get paid from Norwegian – VG


USED ​​FOR FILM RECORDING: The crew of the new movie “Mission: Impossible” lives during the filming in Hellesylt of the MS “Fridtjof Nansen” of Hurtigruten. Photo: Odin Jæger / VG

The Philippine crew of the MS “Fridtjof Nansen” will receive payment in accordance with Norwegian conditions, Hurtigruten confirms to VG. The Norwegian Seafarers Association believes that the operation remains illegal.

Both politicians, Sjømannsforbundet and Fellesforbundet, have strongly opposed Hurtigruten’s use of the ship during the filming of the new movie “Mission: Impossible”.

The ship’s crew, now located in Hellesylt on Møre og Romsdal, is made up mainly of Filipino workers. According to the Norwegian Seamen’s Association, they earn up to 29 crowns an hour at the current dollar exchange rate. At the same time, several hundred Norwegian Hurtigruten employees were laid off.

The company has previously stated that the employees are seafarers operating within the framework that applies to crews on NIS vessels. They have also denied that there is social dumping on the ship and said they will offer Norwegian salaries.

Anne Marit Bjørnflaten, Director of Government Contact at Hurtigruten, now confirms that the foreign crew will receive a Norwegian salary during Tom Cruise’s assignment.

– We have not been successful in having a dialogue with the Norwegian Seamen’s Association about this – there may be practical reasons for this, but we will pay the crew according to Norwegian conditions for the entire mission, she says.

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Bjørnflaten does not want to answer what the Filipino crew members earn now and what they want to earn from Norwegian wages.

She emphasizes that Hurtigruten follows all international rates and is above industry standards.

– We do not have in our policy to go out with salary and salary conditions for any of our employees, Norwegian or foreign, at sea or on land, says Bjørnflaten.

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The Norwegian Seafarers Association, for its part, believes that they have had a dialogue with Hurtigruten:

– They have received several responses from us that we do not enter into contracts on the basis of illegal activities, says government contact Stian Grøthe at the Norwegian Seafarers Association.

– I call it dialogue. They just don’t get the answer they want.

The reason the Norwegian Seafarers Association does not want to cooperate with Hurtigruten in this case is that they believe the company is violating both the NIS and the Immigration Law.

– The Norwegian Seamen’s Association warned Hurtigruten two days before the operation began that they would sink directly into two offenses.

The MS “Fridtjof Nansen” is an expedition cruiser that sails under NIS flags and is therefore subject to international rules, unlike ships registered in NOR. Therefore, Hurtigruten has the opportunity to use Filipino crew.

Bjørnflaten at Hurtigruten said on Thursday that MS “Fridtjof Nansen” has not been chosen to save costs, but because the ship is best suited for this task, among other things with regard to infection control.

Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø has asked Hurtigruten for a meeting on dishwashing in which the ship functions as a hotel.

Several politicians have also criticized Hurtigruten’s use of the ship to house film production and the use of foreign crew members.

– Our boats are built for expedition sailing. You can’t go to the boat and rent a room. The charter of MS “Fridtjof Nansen” to film production is a completely extraordinary situation, and the Norwegian Maritime Directorate has already stated that we are within the existing NIS regulations, Bjørnflaten in Hurtigruten said of the criticism.

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