Extensive IT Attack on Storting – VG


IT ATTACK: Analyzes show that various amounts of data have been downloaded, and the Storting decided on Tuesday to report the attack. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix

Several Storting members and employees have had their email accounts hacked. – We take the matter very seriously, says the director of the Storting, Marianne Andreassen.

The e-mail accounts of a small number of Storting representatives and employees have been stolen.

In an email that has been sent to Storting representatives that VG has seen, the administration writes: “Unfortunately, there have been logged thefts (unauthorized login) into the email accounts of a small number of Storting representatives and employees. Our analyzes show that different amounts of data have been downloaded.”

The Storting immediately implemented a series of immediate risk reduction measures to stop the attack, which has had an immediate effect. On Tuesday, the Storting decided to denounce the attack, they write in a press release.

– We take the case very seriously and pay our full attention to analyzing the situation to get a general picture of the incident and the potential extent of the damage, says Storting Director Marianne Andreassen in the press release now out. sent.

SERIOUSLY: The director of the Storting, Marianne Andreassen, says they take the matter very seriously. Photo: Mattis Sandblad

Various security authorities involved

It does not appear in the press release what type of data has been downloaded, but the Storting writes that they have close contact with the relevant security authorities in the case.

The national security authority tells VG that they help at the request of the Storting.

– We help in the analysis, follow-up and the measures to be taken. We have shared our experience and the measures that we believe have an effect, says Mona Strøm Arnøy at the National Security Authority to VG.

It may be advisable not to click links or establish good password routines. She says it is too early to say what kind of attack it was and who is behind it.

– It is also too early to tell if it is aimed specifically at the Storting or if it is a random attack.

– When were you notified of the attack?

– They warned us a while ago, but exactly when we don’t want to say anything about it. We help whenever necessary, also to support the investigation, says the director of the communication and administration department Mona Strøm Arnøy at the National Security Authority to VG.

PST tells VG that they are familiar with the case:

– PST is familiar with the case. We haven’t received a review yet. When we do that, we will naturally consider whether there is a basis to initiate an investigation, the communications manager of the Police Security Service (PST) Trond Hugubakken informs VG.

Representatives and employees are tracked

Andreassen will answer further questions about the situation at 4pm

Representatives of the Storting and employees who are directly affected by the IT attack have been contacted and will be followed up by the Storting management, the Storting writes in the press release.

– A series of immediate risk reduction measures were implemented to stop the attack. These measures had an immediate effect. Event management has the highest priority, says Andreassen.

– We must constantly work with IT security against a demanding threat image. New measures are being considered on an ongoing basis to strengthen security at the Storting, it adds.

VG updates the case.

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