Espen Rostrup Nakstad is the “Name of the year” in VG – VG


People have spoken: Espen Rostrup Nakstad is the winner of the prestigious honorary Name of the Year award at VG 2020.


– Looking trustworthy, calm, friendly and understanding, and mine determined when needed, Espen Rostrup Nakstad became the much-needed link between the health service and the people.

Here’s how VG editor Gard Steiro introduced the winner of the Name of the Year on Friday morning.

– Espen Rostrup Nakstad won the trust of the Norwegian people. And so also the readers of VG, Steiro could affirm today on behalf of the readers of the newspaper, that they have voted for Nakstad.

– So, first of all, I must thank you for the award and those who have voted for me. I take it as a statement of confidence confirming that we have done a lot of good in the Norwegian health service this year. I know there are many who have worked as hard as I have and who deserve an award as much as I do, this year’s winner tells VG.

He says he was surprised when he received the news.

– It was nice, but also a bit surprising. Personally, it is not that important to me to receive such awards, but I still appreciate it. It’s unusual and strange to receive an award like this when you feel like you’ve only been at work for nine months, says Nakstad.

HONORED: Despite some gloomy messages about quarantine, symptoms and infection rates this year, Espen Nakstad has become a people’s favorite in 2020. Here he receives the award from VG Editor-in-Chief Gard Steiro. Photo: Jørgen Braastad

From anonymous researcher to all Norwegian krone expert

If we go back just one year, we might first meet Nakstad as the chief physician of the department of emergency medicine at Oslo University Hospital. After many years on the school bench, he can adorn himself with exceptionally broad competence: the 45-year-old has a medical specialist degree, a researcher degree, and a law degree.

His name was still unknown to most of the people in Norway at that time.

It was until everyday life took a sharp turn in early 2020, also for the father of the family and chief physician Nakstad.

In the professional community, he was already designated as one of Norway’s top crisis managers long before the pandemic broke out. An emergency call from the Norwegian Health Directorate in March ushered in Nakstad’s nearly 10-month temporary position as deputy health director in the Norwegian Health Directorate.

In no time, he has gone from being a T-celebrity to becoming the entire Norwegian krone expert. Late and early he has queued for the press.

Today she has her own fan group on Facebook and gets the go-ahead from the people she crosses paths with on the way to work.

It is not without reason.

FAITHFUL: Deputy Health Director Espen Nakstad is commended for always standing up for the press and answering all questions in a calm and clear voice. Photo: Ola Vatn

“An open, brave and popular man”

– When uncertainty was at its peak, there were some who stepped forward and created calm, VG editor Steiro said in his speech.

He describes the deputy director of health as an open, courageous, and popular man, who always communicates his message clearly and understandably.

– The responses we received were logical and based on facts. When there was uncertainty, there were no excuses or bureaucratic cotton wool, but true honesty: “Sorry, we don’t know this” and “Yes, we can be wrong.”

There are many indications that Nakstad has in a short time managed to become a popular man among the population.

He is described as a “rarely liked bureaucrat” and a “genius of language”, who despite being a constant messenger of a bad message, still manages to create security.

– Nakstad lives up to VG’s core values: open, courageous, popular. No question was too stupid, no criticism was rejected as irrelevant, Steiro saluted the winner.

Nakstad himself says it has been unproblematic to be in the media spotlight in recent months.

It has not been a big problem in itself. I am used to imparting knowledge and I have not thought of this as anything other than what I usually do in a work context, he says.

In his speech of thanks, Nakstad also expressed thanks to all those who are in the municipalities and the tests and traces of infection, and to all those who are in the hospitals and in the health administration who work on this pandemic.

– I stop and think of all those who could have earned such an honor.

READ ALSO: Espen Nakstad’s personal story about his growth, when he, as a paratrooper, left the army and the loss of his little brother.

Donate 50,000 to MSF

Every year since 1974, VG has honored women and men who have excelled in sports, culture, or humanitarian work.

Last year it was Christine Koht who won the award.

Past winners include Else Kåss Furuseth, King Harald, Heroes of the Mediterranean, whistleblower Robin Schaefer, doctor Mads Gilbert, chess genius Magnus Carlsen and then-national soccer coach Egil Drillo Olsen.

The prestigious award is the people’s award.

VG nominates nine candidates and another three candidates are selected after the readers’ nomination.

The winner is chosen by readers who vote for a total of 12 candidates online, in addition to conducting a national poll.

Those who receive the award receive a check for 50,000 crowns that they must present to a charity.

Espen Nakstad decided to give the money to Doctors Without Borders.

– They will do a great job in the countries that are more affected by the corona pandemic than we are. This is very important work that I would like to support. In 2014 I experienced the importance of the work they did on Ebola in West Africa, and there is great respect for the way the organization is in the field where the need is greatest, says Nakstad, among other things.

– This is a donation considering the unfortunate side effects of the crown in the third world. Where it will obviously be more difficult to manage good health services in the country in the future because many countries will likely be financially affected as a result of this pandemic.
