Erdogan labels Macron mentally ill. At the same time, French products are being boycotted in more and more countries.


President Erdogan’s new result on President Macron’s mental health has led to a full-blown crisis between France and Turkey.

On Saturday, young and old showed their anger at President Emmanuel Macron and France in the Turkish city of Istanbul. France now faces a new wave of anger from Muslims. Yesterday there were also demonstrations in Gaza, while boycott actions have appeared in several countries. The background is President Macron’s confrontation with Islam after a French teacher was assassinated for using Muhammad cartoons in his teaching. Photo: MURAD SEZER / AP / NTB

France calls its ambassador in Ankara after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asked President Emmanuel Macron to have his mental health checked.

Erdogan’s sarcastic remarks came after Macron’s speeches on Islam and Islamic extremism following the assassination of teacher Samuel Paty. According to Erdogan, Macron must have a problem with Islam as long as he defends the right to show cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

– What can be said of a head of state who treats millions of members of different religions in this way? First and foremost, monitor your mental state, Erdogan said in a televised speech on Saturday.

– Stimulates hatred

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian accuses Turkey of trying to stoke hatred against France. He believes that this is unacceptable behavior by a NATO ally.

“The hateful and defamatory propaganda of the Turkish government against France reveals the desire to stoke hatred against us and between us,” says Le Drian.

He also expresses disappointment that Turkey has not condemned Paty’s murder and expresses solidarity with France in retrospect.

After creating a full-blown diplomatic crisis following Macron’s remarks on mental health on Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeated his remarks Sunday during a televised address to party members in the eastern province of Malatya. Photo: Turkish Presidency / AP / NTB

Erdogan repeats: – Macron has lost control

On Sunday, Erdogan brought out new outbursts against President Macron, Reuters reports.

– The leader of France has lost control. He walks around criticizing Erdogan all day. First take care of yourself and watch the place you are going. As I said yesterday in Kayseri, he is a case and you should check his state of mind, said the Turkish president in a televised speech in the city of Malatya in eastern Turkey.

French President Emmanuel Macron should have his mental health examined, according to the Turkish president. He has lost control, Erdogan repeated on Sunday. Photo: Charles Platiau / Pool via AP / NTB

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The background to Erdogan’s powerful smear campaign is Macron’s criticism of Islam after the assassination of teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown Muhammad cartoons in teaching. Earlier this month, Macron described Islam as a religion in crisis around the world.

But the hate crisis between the two NATO countries, France and Turkey, also has to do with other conflicts, such as Libya, Turkish oil exploration in the Mediterranean Y the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


On Sunday, EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell approached Turkey’s president following statements about Macron’s state of mind.

– Turkey is asked to stop this dangerous spiral of confrontation, writes on Twitter on Sunday.

At the same time, there are criticisms and protests against France from the Arab world.

On Sunday, Macron was accused by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan of attacking Islam and sowing discord. It refers, among other things, to Macron’s statement that Paty was assassinated because “Islamists want our future.”

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Boycott of French products

Macron’s war on Islamic extremism has also created several boycotts of French products in various Arab countries.

In Kuwait, various trade associations have ensured that French products have been removed from store shelves, Reuters reports.

The head of the largest grocery cooperative with around 70 stores, Fahd Al-Kishti, told Reuters that they had recalled all French products in response to “repeated insults to the Prophet.”

In Saudi Arabia, which is considered the largest economy in the Middle East, it is also ablaze in anti-French campaigns. An issue that calls for a boycott of the French chain of Carrefour shopping centers was this Sunday the second most used on the internet and on social networks in the country.
