– Enough, let’s go – VG


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, took seriously the threats to publish the interview that he interrupted with the CBS program “60 minutes”, which was originally going to air this weekend.

– Look at the prejudice, hatred and impudence of 60 minutes and CBS, writes the president in a post on Facebook, where he has attached a video of the interview.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that the president interrupted the interview and did not return to a scheduled session with Mike Pence after 45 minutes. Trump later announced that he would publish an unedited version of the interview himself.

– This will be done so that everyone can get an idea of ​​what a false and biased interview is about, the president wrote. On twitter.

It is alleged that Trump did not receive permission from CBS to publish the interview, Forbes writes.

Arguing with the host

– Are you ready for some tough questions ?, asks host Lindset Stahl at the beginning of the clip.

– No, I’m not. Just be fair, Trump responds.

At the beginning of the interview, there is a disagreement between the host and the president when he says that the United States has the best economy of all time.

Towards the end of the interview, word of mouth is sometimes spoken when the host asks, among other things, if the president wants to jail the governor of Michigan. He is also faced with the fact that he has said that Justice Minister Barr must investigate Biden.

Trump denies saying he wants to jail the Michigan governor.

– I did not say that. Why should I do that?

Right before Trump gets up to leave, he criticizes the host for going too far early on, saying the president had some tough questions ahead of him.

– Didn’t you say that to Joe Biden? He received softball after softball, says the president.

Then some advisers outside the box ask him if they should prepare for the session with Pence, but then Trump responds:

– I think we have enough with this interview. It’s enough. We’re walking.

CBS condemns the publication

The CBS news channel, which was originally supposed to show the interview on the show 60 Minutes this weekend, couldn’t wait to condemn the post on the program’s twitter account.

The White House’s decision to ignore the deal with CBS News and release the images will not prevent 60 minutes from delivering their full, fair and contextual reports that presidents have participated in for decades, they write.

They claim that the interview will air as scheduled on Sunday, and will be defended by its host.

Few journalists have the interview experience that Lesley Stahl has shown during her decades as one of America’s leading correspondents, they write on the Twitter account.

The case is being updated

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