Elk Hunter’s Dog Was Eaten By Wolf, Now Being Reviewed By NOAH – VG


TWO LABS: This was all the dog owner found to the left of the moose dog Saga who was abducted by a wolf east of Flolangen in Nes on Saturday. Photo: Private

“Stop seeing wolves in the mail, SHOT,” the moose hunter wrote on Facebook. He is now being denounced for inciting wildlife crime by the animal protection organization NOAH.

On Monday, VG was able to talk about the moose dog Saga (3) that was eaten by a wolf during the weekend’s moose hunt.

Dog owner Kenneth Sletner and the rest of the hunting team were nearing the end of the day when Sletner went out to find Saga.

It was then that he saw what he first thought was his dog.

– Then I saw that it was a wolf that bit one of Saga’s hind legs. When I screamed, the wolf got up and looked at me for 30-40 seconds. It was about 20 meters away, the dog’s owner Sletner told VG.

– The dog was almost completely eaten. I found a gut one and a half meters long and the rest of the legs, he continued.

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Backstory: The dog Saga (3) taken by a wolf – only the legs remained

NOAH: – Encourages wildlife crime

In a Facebook post that has since been deleted, dog owner Kenneth Sletner spoke about the incident and ultimately gave the following encouragement to other elk hunters:

“Stop seeing wolves in the mail, SHOOT”.

This initiative causes the animal protection organization NOAH to react and now report the moose hunter to the police.

Dagbladet has also covered the case.

– We report because it publicly encourages serious wildlife crime. That in itself, inciting crime is illegal, Siri Martinsen, NOAH leader told VG.

Martinsen further says that hunters who sit in the mail with rifles have a low risk of detection if they commit wildlife crime.

– Shooting critically endangered animals is a serious crime, especially at a time when we are in a natural crisis and loss of species around the world. There must be zero tolerance for inciting such serious wildlife crime, he says.

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MOOSE DOG: Saga (3) was on a moose hunt with owner Kenneth Sletner when he got away. He finally found Saga, eaten by a wolf. Photo: Private

– It is not an excuse to commit a crime.

She emphasizes that even if the fate of the dog is tragic, it does not exempt the owner from legal obligations.

– Of course it is sad to lose your dog, but it is not an excuse to encourage other hunters to commit crimes, he says.

The animal protection leader says there is professional advice against letting dogs loose in wolves’ enclosures and refers, among other things, to an information brochure prepared by the Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA).

It says, among other things, that dogs can live dangerously if they are released into a wolf enclosure:

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Moose Hunter and Dog Owner: – Predator Rental Policy

VG has been in contact with dog owner Kenneth Sletner, who does not want to comment on the police report. VG had previously asked him why he released the dog in an area with wolves.

– Why should we give way to something we’ve done for generations because the state has forced us a bunch of dog lice that look like deformed patterns? If he had known there were wolves so close, he would not have let the dog out, Sletner has previously said.

Dagbladet, however, is told by the dog’s owner that the dogs were released in an area where they believed there should be no wolves, according to information from the game’s camera.

For VG, Sletner says he has received threats and messages of support after the Facebook post.

– What are these threats?

– Among other things, there are accusations that I killed my own dog and they told me to shoot me, says Sletner and emphasizes that the threats do not affect him.

– What was the reason you encouraged to shoot wolves by mail?

– I was tired of all the predator politics and I was upset and angry.

– In hindsight, do you see that it could be phrased in a slightly different way?

– Yes, I see it. It probably would have been prudent, he says.

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