Elena (104) discharged from hospital after covid-19 – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries


– Thank you all and good health, good health, Elena said as she left the Gregorio Marañón hospital in Madrid.

Last winter, she was admitted to the same hospital with the flu, according to the Spanish El País. This time, he survived the coronavirus. She is the largest in Spain to be discharged and discharged from the hospital during the pandemic.

Old age is considered one of the biggest risk factors for covid-19.

– Elena is a survivor. Last year she overcame the hospitalization for influenza A and this year she got pneumonia as a result of a covid-19 infection, explains the doctor who treated her, Álvaro Alejandre de Oña.

Elena was born two years before the outbreak of the deadly Spanish flu. It has survived two world wars and the Spanish Civil War.

Home to himself

According to the hospital, they were not allowed to give the 104-year-old extra oxygen. His symptoms were fatigue, poor general condition and fever.

After two weeks, she is fit enough to go home alone to rest. She lives alone and leads an independent life, according to the hospital. From there it passed to the applause of the department staff.

Here, Elena, 104, is discharged from the Madrid hospital

“For us it has been an honor and a great satisfaction to take care of Elena. It is a joy for everyone to see a patient like her move on, as it is a high risk disease. Elena is proof that even very old patients can be cured, ”writes her doctor.

Gregorio Marañón is one of the hospitals in Spain that has treated the most coronary diseases. Elena is number 4,149 to be printed.

In August, a 70-year-old man with Covid-19 was discharged from the hospital after 158 days of intensive care.

Not the greatest

Although Elena is 104 years old, she is not the oldest to have survived COVID-19.

So far, it looks like a 105-year-old Turkish woman holds the world record.

Infection rates in Spain have declined in recent weeks after a spike in early November. 48,000 people have died from the virus.
