Elections in the United States – – Nothing has been decided


On Saturday night Norwegian time, Joe Biden was nominated by several US media as the winner of the presidential election, the day after Decision Desk, Dagbladet’s provider of figures.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde (Frp) congratulates Biden on the victory. He had previously made a name for himself in the American press by nominating Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize, and has even cut off a conversation with the president.

– It’s like this in America that “the winner takes it all,” he tells Dagbladet.

However, Trump shows no signs of accepting the result. Tybring-Gjedde believes the president’s reactions to the defeat, which has been in the pipeline for the past 24 hours, are not unexpected.

– It is understandable to some extent, considering how he is as a person. There is no question that he is very confident and is a sore loser, he says.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg also congratulates Biden.

– On behalf of the Norwegian government, I would like to congratulate Joe Biden on the electoral victory, he writes. Twitter.

– The United States is Norway’s most important ally and we work closely in many areas. I look forward to developing cooperation with the United States under the leadership of Biden and Harris, he continues.

– NOTHING HAS BEEN DECIDED: That’s the opinion of Carl I. Hagen of the Progress Party. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB
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– Nothing has been decided

Frp-nestor and Oppland Frp’s first candidate for the Storting, Carl I. Hagen, will not fully congratulate him yet.

– I will wait to say something until this is officially declared and ends up in the court system. I want the final and valid result. But there is no question that Joe Biden is the favorite to win. It’s pretty clear, he tells Dagbladet at 7.30pm on Saturday night.

– So you don’t think it’s decided?

– No, nothing is decided until I have a final judgment. That is what we usually say when cases are before the courts.

The garden waits until there is a result that is “official, approved and accepted” by everyone, he says.

– So you support Trump’s statement that this is not over?

– I’m just saying that this has been brought before the court system, and we generally have the attitude in Norway of waiting to comment until there is a final ruling.

The Trump campaign has announced legal action regarding vote counting, as well as alleged electoral fraud, in several states. Ellen Weintraub, chair of the Federal Elections Commission, told CNN today that there is currently no evidence that anything illegal has happened in connection with the elections.

Joe Biden announced winner

Joe Biden announced winner

– Must be hard

Tybring-Gjedde believes that both candidates can be satisfied with an election that has mobilized many voters on both sides.

– With Biden, we have a very balanced guy, who will surely become friends with many. But I’m afraid that in the world we live in today, we needed a strong man in the White House, and not one who would seek compromise and dialogue. It sounds good, and it’s a thought that most people are drawn to, but actually I think if you’re going to take on Xi (China’s president, editor’s note), Putin, North Korea, or Iran, you actually have to be hard, he says.

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He praises Trump for the energy he showed in the election campaign.

– Now you have to live with Biden. Norway must have a good relationship with the United States, regardless of who the president is.

However, he fears that Defense Department forces will have greater influence over defense policy and that the United States could be embroiled in more international conflicts.

– I suppose America will get caught up in some conflicts that it shouldn’t be a part of, simply because Joe Biden isn’t strong enough to take on some of the hawks in the Pentagon.

However, you hope you are wrong.

– This is not the time for that kind of international politics, which I suppose Biden represents. But I hope it puts all my predictions to shame!

HEALTH: The leader of SV Audun Lysbakken. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB
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– a real joy

SV leader Audun Lysbakken is very satisfied with the result.

– It is a real pleasure to see Donald Trump lose the election. Biden’s victory is a defeat for Trump’s shameless lies and contempt for the electoral process, he writes in an email to Dagbladet.

However, he believes that America’s troubles are not over.

– It is a deeply divided country with a democracy in crisis. I’m afraid Biden will go too far to the center, but I hope he addresses the fundamental problem in America, which is the enormous economic inequality and powerlessness that many Americans rightly feel.

Media: Chaos behind the scenes

Media: Chaos behind the scenes

Not optimistic

NRK host Thomas Seltzer, who has a family in the United States and voted in the elections, stifles the applause and calls out Republicans.

– Biden faces huge challenges and a Senate that may remain a Republican. My hope is that many in that party also realize that the American people now need a common interpolitical momentum. Beyond that, I am not that optimistic about the living conditions and the future of the many Americans who struggle in everyday life.

Red leader Bjørnar Moxnes is also soberly optimistic.

– It’s okay to get rid of Trump, but what is needed now is a break in the loyalty of the political elite to the super-rich. If ordinary people in the US do not experience real improvement with Biden, I fear a new and worse Trump clone in four years, he e-mails Dagbladet.

PRESS HOPE FROM LEFT: The red leader Bjørnar Moxnes. Photograph: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB
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– Compliant line

The crisis in the United States, with “extreme differences and a political elite that gives Wall Street everything it asks for and sends the bill to the people,” arose long before the Trump era, Moxnes believes.

– Joe Biden is not Trump, but he is part of this elite. When people experience financial problems, job losses, and weakened unions, they look for alternatives. Therefore, I hope and believe that Biden will now face massive pressure from a nascent and radical popular movement that is fighting to tear down differences and create a just environmental policy.

He also takes the opportunity to punish the government.

– Norway has also had an obedient line under Trump’s United States, so I’m afraid an even more naive and submissive “Made in USA” line from the Norwegian government in the future.

NATO chief and former prime minister Jens Stoltenberg congratulates Biden Twitter.

– I congratulate Joe Biden on being elected as the next President of the United States and Kamala Harris as Vice President. I know Biden as a strong supporter of our alliance and I look forward to working closely with him. A strong NATO is good for both North America and Europe, he writes.
