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Several staff members are said to be frustrated and upset by the crisis management of Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff.

Axios has attempted to take the mood temperature at the White House after the president, first lady, and several other staff members were diagnosed with the coronavirus on Friday night last week.

The website writes that the west wing of the White House is characterized by a “collapse.” The west wing is the part of the White House where the president and staff have their offices.

Axios says several White House staff are frustrated with the leadership of the president’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

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Frustration and anxiety

Additionally, the website, which has multiple sources within the White House, writes that it is in the process of generating great frustration and anxiety among various members of the president’s staff.

They claim that it took several days after the crown infection was detected, before they received inside information from their own chief of staff, Mark Meadows, on guidelines on how to handle the recent crown situation in the west wing. Nor should they have been told whether to physically report to work or have a home office.

On the other hand, First Lady Melania Trump’s chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, was quick on the ball as early as Saturday and asked her staff to have a home office, while also reminding them of the public guidelines of the crown.

Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, emailed his staff Friday night with an update on the president’s health, urging them to have a home office. He also had a conference call with his staff on Saturday, where he explained the situation and guidelines, as well as answered any questions from the staff.


A senior government official in the west wing tells Axios that it is “ridiculous” that they receive so little information from Chief of Staff Meadows.

– There are several of us who talk about it, and from now on we make our own decisions, says the source to Axios.

Only on Sunday night did staff receive an email with guidelines for the situation that arose, according to Axios. It must have happened 15 minutes after the website contacted the White House press unit about an article about the lack of information and guidelines in the West Wing.

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Several staff members are said to be angry at Chief of Staff Meadows for not sharing information with them. Several of them are also said to have shared a Politico comment among themselves titled “How Meadows Became Unreliable Source for the White House.


Take Meadows on defense

However, other high-ranking White House sources are defending Meadows.

– Mark is extremely approachable and cares about his staff. White House employees know exactly what to do in a situation where they are exposed to a positive case and what is the best practice to limit the spread. He has worked hard to help the president, keep the public informed and run the world’s most famous workplace, the source said.

– Petty criticism of this type is absurd and unreasonable. The guidelines on what to do in a situation with a case in the west wing have long been in place, says another senior source in the White House.

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– Meadows has been at Walter Reed (military hospital editor’s note) with the president and has handled a million different logistical concerns since Friday. But sorry if anyone had to wait a few more hours before receiving an email with updates on Sunday, the other source tells Axios.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Mark Meadows has been Trump's chief of staff at The White Hiss since March.

Mark Meadows has been Trump’s chief of staff at The White Hiss since March.
Photo: Joshua Roberts (Reuters)

Conflicting information

On Saturday there was uncertainty about the president’s state of health. At a news conference on Saturday, the president’s physician, Sean Conley, said the condition was very good, but Chief of Staff Meadows said the same day that the next 48 hours were critical.

The conflicting information creates a credibility crisis for the White House at a critical time, when the health of the president and the country’s leadership are at stake.

On Monday, Chief of Staff Meadows said Trump could be released from the hospital later that day.

– We are still optimistic and believe that he can return to the White House later today, is stated in an announcement Meadows sent to Fox News.

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President Trump comes in for heavy criticism after leaving the hospital in a car on Sunday to take a ride and greet supporters who had gathered outside.

Two anonymous members of the White House staff tell ten Axios that they believe the president’s move was selfish.
