Donald Trump, Koronaviruset | Trump i ny video:


Donald Trump posted a new video last night.

NEW YORK / OSLO (Nettavisen): In a new video released Sunday night, President Donald Trump says he’s fine.

Check out the video on the top of the box.

– I’m fine and I would like to thank everyone. The first lady is fine too, says Trump.

Also read: Transported to the hospital: – Trump had trouble breathing

Trump: – We don’t know how this is going

“I didn’t feel good when I came here, but now I’m fine,” Trump said after being admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

Click the pic to enlarge.  On Sunday night, President Donald Trump posted a new video on Twitter.  See it at the top of the case.

On Sunday night, President Donald Trump posted a new video on Twitter. See it at the top of the case.
Photo: Twitter

– But we don’t know how this is going. We will see it in the next few days. That’s the big test, says Trump.

“But I think I’ll be back soon,” Trump said in the four-minute video.

The president also talks about not wanting to lock himself up during the ongoing pandemic.

– I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t want to stay in the White House. I can not do this. This is the most powerful country in the world, I can’t lock myself away, Trump says in the video.

See the full video on top of the box.

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- It's pathetic.  But because he is president, we must take his threat seriously, says Hillary Clinton.  Here, Clinton is shown in connection with the national meeting of the Democrats in August.

The president also thanks the hospital for the wonderful job they have done.

– I have taken some medications and to be honest, they are miracles. People criticize me when I say that, but we have things to do. It seems that miracles descend from God, says Trump.

“I have to go back, because we have to make ‘America great again,'” Trump said.

Confusion about Donald Trump’s condition

Trump’s personal physician, Sean P. Conley, gave a news conference Saturday afternoon, along with a team of doctors who: “They are incredibly grateful for all the support they have received from the people,” Conley said at the beginning . Bethesda in Maryland.

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Conley also said that they are very satisfied with the development of the president. According to the doctor, Trump no longer has a fever and worked from the hospital on Saturday morning.

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On Saturday night, Trump himself is said to have called his good friend Rudy Giuliani, who is also Trump’s attorney, and among other things told him the following:

– I’m going to beat this. And then I can show people that we can deal with this disease responsibly, but we must not fear it, the US president has told Giuliani, according to the New York Post.

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– Very uplifting

Sean Dooley, who is also on Trump’s medical team, said the US president is under constant observation. Dooley said Trump declared Saturday that he himself felt he could leave here today.

– It was a very edifying statement from the president, said the doctor.

The president of the United States will still be in the hospital for a few more days, because the doctors want to be safe.

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– We have examined its functions when it comes to the heart, kidney and liver. All these normal. The president also does not receive oxygen. He has no difficulty walking or breathing. He’s in a great mood too, Dooley said.

It was also stated in Saturday’s press release.

if doctors plan to treat Trump with Remdesivir for the next five days.

Pain of doubt

However, in the wake of the press release, there is complete confusion about Trump’s condition. Contrary to the positive message from the doctors, sources in several US media assure that Trump was very ill from Friday to Saturday.

– The health of the presidents in the last 24 hours was very worrying, and the next 48 hours will be critical. We are not yet on a clear path to recovery.

This quote has been reproduced by several American journalists who cover what is happening in the White House.

CNN journalist Jim Acosta notes Twitter to the fact that the journalists were sent this quote by “a source who knows the president’s state of health.”

Both the AP news agency and the New York Times report through anonymous sources that Trump received oxygen treatment at the White House before being sent to the hospital. This is said to have contributed to the decision to send the president to the hospital.
