Donald Trump, Koronaviruset | Triumph:


President Donald Trump says there will be a vaccine in a few weeks.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): – I’m not doing this for political reasons, I want a vaccine quickly, President Donald Trump said when interviewed on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning US time.

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“Operation Warp Speed”

Among other things, the president was interviewed about “Operation Warp Speed”, which tries to deliver a vaccine as quickly as possible.

– We would not have had a vaccine for several years … I gained momentum in the process with the FDA drug … We will have a vaccine in a few weeks, it may be four weeks, it may be eight weeks … we have a lot of good companies says Trump.

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– He won’t take Trump’s word for this.

While President Donald Trump has promised that a coronary vaccine may be ready for the Nov. 3 election, vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris and presidential candidate Joe Biden have emphasized that the president’s promises must be backed by researchers.

“I trust what the health experts and researchers say, and not Donald Trump,” Harris said on a CNN broadcast last weekend.

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– I don’t want to take Trump’s word for this, Harris replied when asked if he would take a vaccine that was ready before November 3.

– I would have waited to see what investigators say, Biden said.

– Trump says so many things that are not true that I’m afraid that even if we had a really good vaccine, people might be reluctant to take it. It undermines people’s trust, Biden told CNN last weekend.

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After Candace Cameron Bure posted the photo on Instagram, comments flooded.

Trump: – Careless rhetoric against vaccines

At the same time, President Trump claimed that skepticism is not justified.

“Harris speaks disparagingly of the vaccine so that people don’t think this achievement is not a great achievement,” Trump said last Monday in a meeting with reporters outside the White House.

– This is careless rhetoric against vaccines, added the president.

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176 vaccine projects

According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization, there are currently 176 vaccine projects that have been implemented against the coronavirus.

Business Insider writes Monday that by the end of 2020 there will be up to 50 candidates for a vaccine that is being tested in humans.

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– Vaccinate during the winter

Last week, Prime Minister Erna Solberg told NTB that there is nothing certain when it comes to the job of producing a vaccine. But Solberg thinks the likelihood of approved vaccines around Christmas time is relatively high, when the pressure is as great as it is now.

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– If we are lucky, we can start vaccinating during the winter. But it takes time before we have so many vaccinated that it is safe to live our lives the way we want. Until then, we must persevere, he said.

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– I can do nothing but cross my fingers and hope that some of them pass, and that we do not stop them all. Because then we have a very difficult situation, Solberg told NTB.

While Norway can obtain around three million doses of vaccines with the agreements reached so far, Sweden is in the process of reaching seven agreements with manufacturers of coronary vaccines.

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Russian coronary vaccine shipped

The first batch of the coronary vaccine developed in Russia is on its way to Russia’s regions, a spokesman for the Health Ministry said on Friday.

The Health Ministry claims that in the first instance, people in risk groups have priority in this first installment, writes the Russian news agency Tass.

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Liberty University Falwell FILE - In this Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018 file photo, Jerry Falwell Jr., right, answers a student's question, accompanied by his wife, Becki, during a town hall meeting on the opioid crisis in a convocation in Liberty.  University in Lynchburg, Virginia.  On August 7, 2020, Falwell resigned, at least temporarily, as president of the school.

In August, Russia became the first country in the world to announce that it had a coronavirus vaccine ready. The Russian government has previously said that the vaccine will be offered in large quantities starting in November.

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Two trials of the Sputnik-V coronary vaccine have shown that all participants developed antibodies and none developed serious side effects. It appears in results published in the renowned The Lancet Medical Journal, the BBC wrote a week ago.

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A group of researchers are critical of the study’s results and point out that the data appears to be manipulated. They also criticize The Lancet for publishing the study without including the raw data, allowing the results to be tracked, Aftenposten reported last week.
