Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton | Hillary Clinton makes shocking Trump claim


– I would have liked to see your phone transcript that day.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): In her own podcast “You and I both with Hillary Clinton” and in an interview with Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton makes strong accusations about President Donald Trump. See video images of parts of the podcast here:

In connection with the Capitol siege on January 6, Clinton makes allegations that President Trump had talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the same day.

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– Who pulls the strings

On the podcast, Hillary Clinton says she’s very interested in getting a transcript of the president’s phone calls that day, to see if he’s right.

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“We have learned a lot about our system of government in the last four years with a president who despises democracy and, as you have said several times, has other agendas,” Clinton said on the podcast with speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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– I don’t think we know yet what that means. I hope that, historically, we find out who you feel connected to, who pulls the strings. “I’d like to see his phone records to see if he spoke to Putin the day the rebels invaded the Capitol,” Hillary Clinton said on the podcast, which is featured in the Daily Mail.

The sea

CNN: – What has emerged in recent weeks will surprise many about the relationship between Donald and Melania Trump.

– Kultmedlemmer Triumphs

On the podcast, Hillary Clinton also attacks Trump supporters and fans.

“But now we know that it was not only him, but also his actors, his accomplices, members of his cult, and that they have the same contempt for democracy,” Clinton said.

On Tuesday, Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, also pointed directly to Donald Trump as co-responsible for the assault on Congress on Jan.6, NTB reports.

On the podcast, Nancy Pelosi also expresses that she would very much like to know more about the relationship between President Trump and President Putin.

The sea

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– They were dolls for Putin

Clinton also asks Pelosi if she thinks a commission, like the one on the September 11 attack in New York, should be set up to investigate what caused the January 6 riots, in which five people were killed.

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“I don’t know what Putin has on him politically, financially or personally, but what happened last week was a gift to Putin, because Putin wants to undermine democracy in our country and around the world,” Pelosi said.

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– And these people, perhaps without knowing it, have become puppets for Putin. They did the job for Putin when they carried this out at the behest of an uprising by the president of the United States.

– So yes, we should have a 9/11 commission, and there is strong support in Congress for doing so, says Nancy Pelosi.

– Russia helped with the elections

A report by the US Senate Intelligence Committee, which is made up of Republicans and Democrats, previously made clear that Russia did everything it could to help Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election.

The multi-level intervention was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The sea

He wants to ruin Trump forever and ever

– The worst enemy you’ve ever had

Trump doubted that Russia was involved in the 2016 elections and constantly claimed that he had taken a hard line against Russia and Putin.

“Agreeing with Putin and agreeing with Russia is positive, not negative,” Trump said during the much-discussed meeting he had with Putin in Helsinki in 2018.

That said, if it doesn’t work out, I’ll be the worst enemy you’ve ever had, added the president in Helsinki.

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– Putin thinks he can play Trump like a whistle

In connection with the publication of the book “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir” last year, the president’s former national security adviser, John Bolton, spoke about the relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump to the television channel. ABC News.

– I think Putin thinks he can keep playing [Trump] like a hiss. I think Putin is smart, tough and plays his role very well. And I think he thinks he doesn’t face a great opponent, Bolton said.

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– When you face a man like Putin, who has dedicated his life to understanding Russia’s strategic position in the world, and you compare him to Donald Trump, who does not like to read or learn about these things, he puts the United States in a difficult position. position, Bolton said in the interview.

Read here Trump’s reaction to Bolton’s book: Trump: – He’s a liar, a sick puppy

Listen to the full podcast with Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi here.

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