Donald Trump: – He must have had a “duel” at the office.


Donald Trump is currently at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, which has become his home since he had to leave the White House earlier this week.

At the same time, the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, moved into the White House and signed a series of presidential orders reversing Trump’s policies.

Now, the main American newspaper The New York Times arrives with new details about what Donald Trump is supposed to have spent the last time in the White House.

- Political corruption

– Political corruption

Allegations of electoral fraud

Since Biden was declared the winner of the election, Trump has maintained that there has been widespread electoral fraud in several states and has waged an intense battle to reverse the election result.

During Trump’s last term as president, several people had to resign after challenging him, denying that evidence of voter fraud had been found during the US presidential election.

– Called to a meeting

LAST TIME: Donald Trump has left the White House. Video: AP
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One of them was former United States Attorney General William Barr.

Barr resigned as Minister of Justice shortly after he declared that there was no evidence of any electoral fraud during last year’s elections.

After Barr resigned, then-United States Attorney General Jeffrey A Rosen took over as Acting Attorney General.

The day after assuming his new position, Donald Trump is said to have called Rosen into the Oval Office.

Write The New York Times.

Now the date is ready

Now the date is ready

There, Trump is said to have demanded that the Justice Department, led by Rosen, back up Trump’s many claims that there had been voter fraud in various US states, according to the newspaper.

The former president is also said to have demanded that his new acting attorney general appoint lawyers to investigate his extensive allegations of voter fraud and investigate the voting machine company Dominion, which Trump claims had removed and traded votes to go to him.

– He refused to listen to Trump.

THANKSGIVING: Here, Donald Trump speaks for the last time as President of the United States. Video: AP.
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According to the main newspaper, Rosen is said to have refused to follow the president’s order, claiming it would be incorrect as no evidence of voter fraud had been found during the presidential election.

At the same time that the then acting Justice Minister refused to give in to pressure from Trump, Trump is said to have contacted another attorney from the Justice Department.

His name is Jeffrey Clark and he is said to have agreed with Trump’s allegations of voter fraud during the presidential election.

Arranged meeting in the Oval Office

Trump bidens sting

Trump bidens sting

Clark allegedly wanted Rosen’s job as Acting Attorney General and went on to tell Rosen that Trump would replace him with Clark.

According to the newspaper, Rosen, for his part, has demanded to hear the news directly from Trump, and has arranged a meeting for January 3 of this year.

It is the same day that Trump, in an hour-long phone conversation, is said to have pressured Georgia state election official Brad Raffensperger to “find enough votes to reverse the outcome of the state elections.” .

JUST THE PRINCIPLE: – We have created the largest political movement in the history of the United States, said Donald Trump in his farewell speech on January 19, 2021. Video: The White House
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The meeting is said to have taken place in the Oval Office of the White House, with Rosen, another Justice Department official, Clark, Trump, White House attorney Pat Cipollone and several other attorneys in attendance.

– As an episode of “The Apprentice”

- Here they will settle

– Here they will settle

According to the New York Times, Rosen and Clark at the meeting “presented arguments for their case” in front of Trump.

Avisa describes the whole affair as a “strange” meeting and quotes two officials who are familiar with the case.

– It was like an episode of “The Apprentice”, the two officials say about the meeting to the newspaper.

“The Apprentice” is the famous Trump reality show that he directed until 2015.

– I had to think about it

INSERT: Donald Trump was not seen when Joe Biden took office. However, several famous faces appeared to celebrate the next president of the United States. Video / photo: AP / NTB.
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However, it must have ended well for Rosen after other people at the Justice Ministry stated that they would be retiring if Rosen was fired.

According to the newspaper, this has led to Trump’s advisers having been able to convince Trump to let Rosen remain in his post.

Trump, on the other hand, is said to have spent three hours thinking before taking the election.

- Tragically failed

– Tragically failed

Clark says in a statement to the newspaper that the report contains “unspecified inaccuracies,” but that he cannot speak about the conversations he has had with Trump or others at the Justice Department. He also denies having made a plan to get rid of Rosen.

Trump and Rosen declined to comment with the newspaper.

Presented to the Supreme Court

Just three days after the meeting was said to have taken place in the Oval Office, several Trump supporters stormed the Congress building in Washington DC in the US.

This is how America will be without Trump

This is how America will be without Trump

The attack has shocked the world and Donald Trump has been put on trial for the second time.

Trump is accused of fomenting “violent, deadly, destructive and subversive acts” and of “undermining and trying to prevent the approval of the result of the presidential election.”

The Supreme Court case against him begins in week six, more precisely on February 8.
