Donald Trump – – He looks very bad


The Donald Trump circus continues to thunder. After telling the world about his own corona disease on Friday of last week, this entire week has been about getting up again for Donald Trump.

This comes after a presidential debate in which Joe Biden was declared the winner and polls pointed in the wrong direction for the president.

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Rather than change course, the pain has worsened for Trump and the campaign. At least that’s the opinion of historian and author Hans Olav Lahlum.

– You have not managed your own crown disease well. If it had happened that someone else was careless and infected it, it could have gained a lot of sympathy. Instead, there have simply been bad routines in the administration and in the circle around it. This is a bad case for him, Lahlum tells Dagbladet.

INTENSE PACKAGING: Historian and author Hans Olav Lahlum (47) believes that Donald Trump needs a real boost to get a chance against Joe Biden. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet
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Brutal reality

Polls show a brutal reality for the president (74). Biden’s leadership over Trump had been stable, but now it looks more difficult.

– It’s hard to say what was most important, but it came a lot at once, says Lahlum, who is now relevant with the book “Trump, Biden and the Battle of America.”

CAN YOU SUPPORT? Donald Trump leaving Walter Reed Military Hospital earlier this week. Now the president must strike back. Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst / NTB
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It highlights three elements that may have negatively affected the president.

  • The debate: Joe Biden was declared the winner by both the people and the comments.
  • Economy: The day after the debate, the dramatic figures from the United States arrived. America’s gross domestic product fell at an annual rate of 31.4 percent in the second quarter. US GDP has never fallen so fast before.
  • Corona: Donald Trump was infected with corona in the country where more than 210,000 people have died in the pandemic.
PATIENT: Trump says he tried to listen to the doctors when he was in the hospital. Video: FOX NEWS
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– Worse than 2016

– It is difficult to extract what became more important. Many things happened, and in that direction Trump certainly did not want to. He had a wasted opportunity after becoming infected. You might say, “It was a bad experience, but I’m fine.” Instead, it does the opposite and says that the virus is not that dangerous. It’s at least consistent, but that doesn’t seem to help it in the polls, Lahlum says.

– Trump had after the crown to show greater understanding for those who were more affected than him, but instead chose to take a hard line with that it was not so dangerous. He had to show more understanding with the victims to get more sympathy, I think, he says.

Most of us remember the shocking 2016 election. Hillary Clinton ran the entire election campaign and received the most votes overall. However, Trump outperformed opinion polls and won important auspicious states.

- I am drug free

– I am drug free

But Lahlum thinks it looks darker now.

– Trump’s situation is much worse than it was three or four weeks before the election four years ago. He is further behind in opinion polls and several have decided. There are negative trends over time, says the author.

– It looks very bad, says Lahlum.

NEW GREETINGS FROM TWITTER: – I came back from Walter Reed a day ago, says President Donald Trump in a new greeting video posted on Twitter just before midnight Norwegian time on October 7.
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In average polls, Joe Biden now leads with 9.7 percent. The numbers have only risen after the debate and crown disease.


Earlier this week, it was announced that the Presidential Debate Committee would hold next week’s debate in Miami virtually, with the candidates in their respective seats. The reason was Trump’s corona infection. However, the president refused to participate in the format, and now the debate has been canceled.

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Lays down after role mixing

– I think it has little effect. The debates won’t move much, and now there will be two instead of three, Lahlum says.

However, the latest debate, scheduled for October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee, is likely to be even more important.

– Then Trump only has one chance to move something. In that case, Trump must strike back. Maybe you need Biden to turn around and look old to do something, Lahlum says.

Motley History

Presidential debates on television have had a mixed history. Vice Presidents Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy met for live television debates in 1960, but in 1964, 1968, and 1972, incumbent Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon, respectively, refused to appear on television debates.

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Melania’s painful confrontation with the Trump clan

In 1976, there was another debate, and the vice-presidential debate also took place. With a few exceptions, presidential candidates have been set to run, and in the 2000s there have generally been three presidential debates and one vice-presidential debate.

Trump’s strongest card in 2016 was the huge crowds he gathered and the electorate he mobilized. The corona pandemic has changed a lot, but Trump has still managed to rally thousands, despite the advice of various infection control experts. He has a new event planned for Monday in Sanford, Florida. This despite the fact that several questions are related to your health status and the risk of infection after Covid-19 disease.

– Trump is relatively better when he can rally thousands, but among them, almost independently, there are only people who want to vote for him, says Lahlum.

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– steep uphill

He thinks it will be difficult for the president to defend himself anyway.

– Corona disease could have a potential effect on likability. Boris Johnson did it in the UK, without appearing in polls. But right now, it’s a steep hill for Trump. There are ongoing cases against him that they beat.

– You need very clear progress, concludes Lahlum.
